The Week That Was

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Well, a week has gone by, and we have not really much to detail except a BUNCH of traveling! 🙂

Monday was our anniversary (#7) so my cousin kept our kids in the morning so we could go out for breakfast (don’t worry… we didn’t LEAVE the house till 10:30 or so…) 🙂 That was great! Then we went to see their oldest son’s football game that afternoon and evening. Quite an eventful day.

In fact, so eventful that we needed to stay another day to let Jen rest! It just seemed wise to us to not do a super intense trip to AZ, but stay in AR where we were and get a day of rest in! And I think that was wise.

So, instead of 2 intense travel days, we ended up leaving Wednesday from AR and staying in Shamrock, TX and then Thursday driving from there to Gallup, NM (WHERE IT WAS 37ºF when we arrived!!!!) and on Friday we completed the trip from there to Maricopa, AZ.

When you think of AZ, what do you think of? Heat, Sun, Desert… right? WRONG! It was in the 39ºF with SNOW in Flagstaff, AZ (where I-40 and I-17 meet). That TOTALLY SHOCKED US! But was really cool. We like snow! 🙂

So, here we are in Phoenix. Tonight we are singing at a Roller Rink owned and operated by my cousins… tomorrow we sing for at least one church on the far north west side of town. Again, looking forward to it.

Till then, there’s an apple store to visit… 🙂

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