Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)
Have you ever been squeezed for time… lots to do and a deadline to meet. Errands to run, kids to feed, people to meet. And you’re pretty much staying on top of things, you know when the post office closes and you have just enough time to get there if you hurry.
Closing time is posted as 5:00pm. When you arrive, your clock says 4:58, so you know you’re ok… you just have one package to mail.
You get out of your car, and head in only to see the window being closed! You check your watch again – 4:58 … but the clock on the wall says 5:06pm. WHAT?!?!?
That frustrating scenario has happened too often to me, and yesterday I think it happened to the lady coming in as I was going out of the post office. I saw the window being closed (by quite an ominous barrier, I might add) and just for fun, checked my receipt to see what time their computer said from my sale not 30 seconds ago.
It said, 4:58. Two official minutes left before closing time, but the window was coming down in a hurry.
OK, so turning the clock ahead on the wall is silly, and a cheesy way to honor your posted closing times… but when you close EARLY… there is the greater problem with Americans these days.
We are not here to serve other people. We are earning a paycheck… and that’s it. The mentality is, “Get as much out of it for me as a I can” Longer breaks, come in right on time or just a bit late… leave JUST a bit early… all about me.
Ever been to a chinese restaurant? (That is a rhetorical question…) Ever notice that for the most part, you are the important person there? Not them. The focus is properly placed on serving and honoring other people above yourself. Jesus said that’s a better way to do life, and I think everyone outside of America gets that.
But we close at 4:58. We set our clocks fast. Cut every corner. All just to serve ourselves.
I want us to be more like small town USA. Even if we don’t stay open late for one person who needs a break on an overwhelmingly busy day, at least we could honor our posted hours!
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Some might say, “Greg… it’s just a job! Seriously. Do the consider others thing AFTER work…” But I think the best place for Jesus to be seen is… everywhere. In everything we do. Every place we are.
Love God with all you’ve got, and love people like you love his people – even consider them better than yourself… and life will go well for you.
And everyone around you. 🙂