The Heart Of The Matter

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

The Republican National Convention will take place this week. And, as with the DNC, we will most likely catch a bunch of it. And we want to.

I like a bunch of those guys. Dick Cheney is crazy to listen to cause he just makes you say, “Man, he is SMART!” And President Bush is a funny guy. 🙂 It will be interesting to hear all of the ideas they have and the reasons they give us to vote for them.

And I have said before, I already know I want President Bush to go another 4 years. I think he’s doing a great job, and seems to be 100 times the man Kerry is. (Certainly in genuinity — to use a Bush-ism…)

But in the end… it does not matter who is president. It doesn’t matter who’s the governor, the senator, the school board president, or even the girl scout troop leader. (Well, ok, that proabably matters….)

In the end, neither politics, nor politicians, nor laws, nor legislation, nor anything external is going to make a difference in America. We will not help anyone in this country by electing the right person. That may move us in a good direction, in many ways… but really, the heart of the matter is… the heart.

By caring for a lonely neighbor, America is changed. By standing up for the down-trodden, America is changed. By giving generously to someone in need, America is changed. By sharing the hope we have in Jesus with someone who is hopeless, America is changed.

Only by living daily in the Kingdom, letting your light shine, if you will… only then will real change occur.

So, again, I am voting for Bush. I think he’s the better of our two choices… but in the end, the only thing that matters is how I live my life here.

Nations rise and fall (see Acts 17:22-31 – esp v 26) but the Kingdom and its King remain forever.

That is what matters.

The rest is just fun. 🙂

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