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Today, Aug 26th, 2004… is my FIRST BLOG ANNIVERSARY!!! 🙂 I think I am going to call it a bloggiversary. Sounds good.

So what should I write for my bloggiversary blog? Shouldn’t that be something special? Something thought through with great care taken to communicate with each word exactly what I am trying to say so that the reader is right there in my mind with me? Shouldn’t it be the best there ever was?

No. 🙂

The point of this blog, you may have noticed… is an ongoing, stream-of-thought kinda chronicle of what God is doing around me (as seen through my eyes, so I miss a bunch of what he’s doing, but what I do see, you hear about usually…) To ruin that with a polished, finished, well-planned blog… just for my bloggiversary… seems silly.


So… this is my blog about nothing… but just wanted to celebrate that today marks ONE FULL YEAR of blogging. 🙂

Thanks for reading. More to come…

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