It’s Not About How Many…

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

Another quick thought for today…

We often notice that the church as it is today is not like the church as we see in the New Testament. They were much more about community and less about structure and program and organization. I could go on and on about that…

But I noticed something today. A friend called. He is alone in life. And I am happy to chat with him when I can. Today, I happened to be busy, so I told him I’d talk with him tomorrow. But after I hung up I noticed…

THAT’S IT!!!!!

The church is about that guy. Not about the programs and plans to reach many more. It’s not about HOW MANY people we reach, it’s about reaching the ones God puts in front of us. My bro-in-law is a proponent of putting energy into making churches bigger (not for that purpose, but for the purpose of reaching more people). That is his main reason… to reach as many as possible.

What I was pondering today was… perhaps it’s not about that. Perhaps it’s not about how MANY we can tell (especially all at one time…) But about living a life of faithful obedience to God with everyone whom He places in our path. Really! WE get so caught up in trying to reach everyone around us that we actually MISS the people that are right around us!!! ARRGGHHH!!!!

Jesus was so good at noticing the unnoticed. At loving the unloved. I think that’s what he wants us to do. (Whatever you do for the least of these is what you are doing for me…) And we do… but we are so trapped by our programs and buildings and meetings and schedules that we have a hard time slowing down to do what we know we should… love our neighbor.

So remember, it’s not about how many – but how we deal with the ones we meet each day. God will handle the bottom line. 🙂

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