What’s More Important?

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

We were at Subway today grabbin’ a little lunch – just me and the boys – and I noticed a little something about the way most of us look at things.

I had both the boys, so I could not order and take care of them, so I just watched what they were doing, and they found their way to the edge of the counter where they could stand up on the seat and look over. They seemed fine, so I let them be. They were safe in my eyes.

But not in the eyes of one of the ladies behind the counter. She scolded me for letting them be up there – "They might fall and hurt themselves!"

In all fairness, she might have been right. They may have fallen and bumped their head or gotten a minor injury of some sort. But really, that was not pressing in my mind, since I knew even if they fell they would probably be OK. It was not a long fall…

But she may have thought the same thing if she knew the dangers I was trying to keep them from. If she had perhaps seen me correcting my boys from a behavior that might harm them other than physically, perhaps she would have thought differently? I regularly regulate their TV watching (not only the amount, but certainly the shows they watch) and I try hard to make sure Ian is thinking pure thoughts and being grateful in life – not selfish or evil. And we try and generate generosity in both our boys through sharing with each other and everyone else.

Seems to me that those are the important things. The heart issues rather than the tissue issues. Muscles, skin & bones will all heal. Hearts take longer, and sometimes don’t.

So to some I may appear a bit lackadaisical in guarding my children’s physical bodies but be sure of this, I am doing everything I can to guard their hearts.

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.

Prov 4:23

So what is more important? The seen, or the unseen?

I’ll go with the unseen. And take my chances on a few broken arms. 🙂

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