Getting Older

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I have just been thinking recently how fast our kids will grow up.

Life is already so different from when we brought Ian home from the hospital. We don’t deal with is he eating enough food? How many wet diapers did he have today? Now we are trying to figure out how to help him be grateful in life (instead of always wanting more.) And trying to help him learn that he is not "in charge" (those are Ian’s words) by showing respect for other people in politeness and such (starting with Mom & Dad) 🙂

We got to spend some time with some friends who live in Cape Coral, FL. They have two boys – 17 and 15. They are good guys, and growing up fast. But I just saw in them what my boys might be in 12 years or so. Independent and sometimes making potentially bad choices. When I think about that – it just hurts. I don’t want my boys to ever get hurt (or hurt other people, for that matter).

But I think God is helping me see that they do grow up fast. And they really belong to him. I wrote awhile ago about Perfection. How it is not attainable for me — or for my boys. My boys will make bad choices. But God will use those for good.

I wish it was not that way. I try my hardest to keep them from bad influences. I try my best to fill them with good things – and help them see the world as it really is – as it has been revealed to us by God.

Unfortunately, part of that world is sin. Our bad choices. And until Jesus comes back and makes everything new – we get to live in the messed up world.

But grow up they will. I can’t do anything about that. I will continute to do the best I can – and ask God to do way more than I can – to help my boys grow up living everyday in God’s amazing grace.

Hope you are too.

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