Ian’s Shoe

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Ians Shoe

Just a quick update on Ian’s shoe…

We got up this morning at 7am, which is like 3 hours before Ian usually gets up! We walked right out the door (Dad & Ian) and headed to the beach. We were asking God to show us where He put the shoe… and we started looking. We probably looked for 30 min or so… up and down the beach where we had lost it. no luck. I finally told Ian, why don’t we go home and we’ll come back and see if God wants to give it to us later. Sometimes God likes us to learn to trust Him by waiting.

So we did. We went back around 1:30pm or so with the whole family, and started to look again. We were just having fun, too… but Ian really wanted to find his shoe. He said, "Ask God again, dad!" I told him, yeah, I can’t do anything about this Ian, if God wants to give you your shoe, He will, if not, then we’ll just have to get another one.

Within one minute I think, Ian had gone up to be with mom (out of the water) and they started walking down the beach, and there were shouts of excitement… THEY FOUND IT!!! It was just sitting right in the beach wash (which Ian and I had checked 4 times at least earlier today).

Wow. Thanks God. You are the Wave Maker. The Oceans (and the Gulfs) obey your commands. And you love your children so much. We are amazed at God’s abilities and his love for us.

Hope you know that too.

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