The Public Debate Continues

AppleAs I mentioned last week, Apple & NBC are not getting along. First Apple publicly announced they would drop NBC shows from iTunes in the month of September. NBC rebutted Apple’s public statement, saying that in fact it was not asking to sell shows for more, rather, they wanted to sell seasons for less, which Apple did not want to do. Then a few days later, it was announced that they would remain on iTunes through the end of the contract in December.

It’s all rather confusing.

In the meantime, NBC announced that they would be selling shows via Amazon’s Unbox service, which lets you purchase videos to play on your Windows systems, or download directly to your TiVo.

Now it has come out that Apple wanted NBC to sell their shows for $0.99/episode, as Apple does with their individual songs at iTunes. NBC was concerned that such a price structure would eat into DVD sales far too much as a series season sells for $40 on DVD, and would be less than $23 at iTunes.

The public feud continues. Stay tuned.

Countdown To Opening Day!

Buffalo BillsI am writing a series of short articles for the Buffalo Bills Review highlighting what I think are probably the top four questions (at least, they are for me) heading into the 2007 season. Stop by our articles page to read them all. I posted the third of four articles today. I’ll link them individually below.

4: Can We Stop The Ru(i)n?
3: RB By Committee… Will It Work?
2: Moss & Chambers & Coles… Oh My!
1: Are We Too Young?

More on the New iPod Line

New Family of iPods
I was able to post several articles to my Apple blog yesterday regarding the updates to Apple’s iPod and even iTunes line. I mentioned that I would be doing that earlier, and thought perhaps you’d like the links. Some pretty neat stuff. Lots of links off of my pages to great content at Apple’s website as well.

And, if you click the photo above, you’ll be taken to my site, where you’ll first have a chance to sign up for my Apple eNews. If you’re at all interested in the stuff Apple is doing these days – and maybe especially how to get the best deal on some for yourself – I think you’ll enjoy receiving the Apple @ BWD eNews. I send it out about 4 times a year, and when there are major Apple updates. (Like, I’ll be sending one today.) πŸ™‚

Here are the links to yesterday’s articles. More to come!

Greg’s Apple News:
New iPods: Refreshed & Revealed
iPhone Price Tag Reduced 33%
iTunes WI-Fi Music Store & Starbucks
iTunes 7.4 Brings Custom Ringtones
VIDEO: iPod touch Overview and Tutorial (from
iPod Touch, iTunes Wireless… Wow. (Article @ Newsvine)

Subscribe to Greg’s RSS Feeds:
Greg’s Apple Blog:
Greg’s Newsvine Column:

Bread & Wine

Bread and Wine
Today we were reading Luke 22 where Jesus is having the Passover meal with his closest friends, just before he will be killed. He knows it, and he’s told them… but I’m pretty sure they still don’t get it.

It’s cool enough how they got into this room (Jesus sent two guys ahead, told them exactly what they would find without having been there, and they did) but there are also a couple cool lines that stood out to me today.

When the time came for Jesus and the apostles to eat, he said to them, “I have very much wanted to eat this Passover meal with you before I suffer.”

I thought it was so cool to read the excitement in Jesus’ words. Even though he knew what was coming, he was still excited about what the suffering would bring. The end result. Very cool. Ephesians says it was his plan from before he created anything, and that it “gave him great pleasure”. Very cool.

As the evening went along, we read the following accounts of the events that took place:

Jesus took a cup of wine in his hands and gave thanks to God. Then he told the apostles, “Take this wine and share it with each other. I tell you that I will not drink any more wine until God’s kingdom comes.”

Jesus took some bread in his hands and gave thanks for it. He broke the bread and handed it to his apostles. Then he said, “This is my body, which is given for you. Eat this as a way of remembering me!

After the meal he took another cup of wine in his hands. Then he said, “This is my blood. It is poured out for you, and with it God makes his new agreement.

First of all, don’t you think they thought it was weird that he said “remembering me”? We know now what happened next, but they didn’t. It is obvious from everything they do. So he’s already talking about being gone, and they’re probably very confused.

Did you also notice there were two cups of wine? Jesus took one cup and told them to share it. Then he shared the bread with them. Then he took another cup of wine after they had finished eating and said this is my blood. The new agreement God makes with you. Again, they were probably a bit weirded out, but I just thought it was interesting that it wasn’t that much like what we observe today, supposedly “instituted” by Jesus himself on that very night.

I don’t pretend to have a clue what “the Lord’s Supper” really is, or any significance of it at all. I really have no idea what Jesus intended for it, if anything. He didn’t seem to be a big ritual guy. And really, when I read this… he wasn’t here either. They were observing the Passover feast – something Isreal had done for a VERY long time – and those were parts of that. He didn’t say, “And make sure you do this exact same thing from now until forever!” I actually don’t hear him saying to ever repeat it again. Just… for that moment. Interesting.

NOTE: I don’t really want a big theological debate. Just some observations from reading the Bible today. Your comments are welcome, but please know that I won’t be engaged in any endless hermeneutical discussions of Scripture and the historical and cultural significance. I’ll certainly read/entertain shorter versions… but doctrinal discussions are definitely not my cup of tea… πŸ™‚

All New iPods, iTunes Wireless

New iPod TouchApple made their big announcements today. Nothing really unexpected, and most expectations were met. No Beatles announcement, but it won’t be long. I’ll be writing up much more on my Apple Blog later tonight, but for now, here are the highlights:

  • iPod Shuffle in new colors
  • iPod Nano is shorter, bigger screen, video, larger hard drives
  • iPod is now iPod classic, and available in 80GB and 160GB.
  • iPod Touch – the iPhone without the phone! 8GB & 16GB. Built-in wi-fi!
  • iPhone is now $200 less, only 8GB size. ($399)
  • iTunes Wireless. Purchase music over wi-fi connection right on your iPod!

Lots more to come. You can read up on it yourself at, they did a nice live update article as the presentation was unfolding today. Or, go straight to Apple’s iPod page.

If you already know you want one… you can get one from my Apple store!

The Water Horse

I was scrolling through the new movie trailers in Front Row tonight and found a movie called “The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep” at the bottom of the list. It was rated PG, so I decided to check it out. Wondered what it might be about.

It had some impressive credits (but, don’t they all?) and cool graphics/effects. And I liked the story. Looks like I may have found a movie we can take the kids to see in the dollar theater! πŸ™‚

Click the play arrow above to view the trailer. Movie will be in theaters on September 28th. Dollar theaters probably around Christmas time. πŸ˜‰

Jesus Said

… we should be like children.
I think about that phrase quite often, since there are many children around me at any given moment. What part of being a child does Jesus want for us? Does he want us to be disrespectful, selfish, whiny, impatient, messy, crazies with little to no self-control? Uh… I guess… maybe? Probably not. But the innocent, trusting, fun-loving, joyful qualities of a child are easy to understand as qualities of the Kingdom. These are things that, though they might seem a bit unorthodox for the Kingdom ruled by the Creator himself, would seem appropriate.

The other day, my three-year-old daughter was shouting from the top of the stairs, “I neeeed hellllllp… Will somebody pleeeeeeease helllllllp meeee????” She had obediently gone up to the bathroom, done what she needed to do, and now she needed some assistance from an adult – again, obeying her Mom who had previously told her to wait for Mom’s assistance after she goes “number two”. My first thought was, “Man! That is so annoying!” But quickly, I was reminded of Jesus saying that we needed to be like little children. Could this be one of the ways?

I still maintain that Jesus was NOT talking about whining when he said that.

What I saw was a little girl who needed help, and wasn’t afraid to ask for it. Most adults I know are not good at asking for help, maybe they are just plain awful at it. We’re taught to be “adults” and take care of stuff on our own. But maybe a way we can be like a child – a way we can see the Kingdom of God – is to realize we need help, and to ask for it. Not necessarily from other people, but definitely from God. Our Father can, and wants to help us. One way we can know the greatness of the Kingdom is to let him help us, allow him to work in us, instead of trying to be an “adult” and get it done ourselves.

A cool lesson from my whiny three-year-old… who may know a bit more about the Kingdom that I have forgotten over my passage into adulthood.

… you will be persecuted because of me …
Tonight we watched a debate on the existence of God. A friend had sent me the link earlier in the day, and tonight I was intrigued enough to watch it through with Jen. The debate was mostly silly… neither side was really listening to the other. They were to a degree, but neither was going to convince the other of their points, or sway their beliefs in any way. Some of it was sarcastic and mean-spirited… a little annoying actually. πŸ™‚ I don’t think I’m a big fan of debates.

But the thing that I noticed was actually part of the lead-up to the debate. The footage they chose to show to introduce the Christian guys (Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron of The Way of the Master) was of them sharing “the gospel” in the streets, and the hostile reactions of some unbelievers. While that may be common footage, and perhaps an expected response (at least by Christians) … I was immediately reminded of where Jesus said that his followers would be persecuted because of him.

“Exactly!” misters Comfort and Cameron might say. However, as I recall from Scripture, the people who hated Jesus – who wanted to hurt and/or kill him – were the religious leaders of the day. The leaders of the religious establishment. They were the upstanding, moral, “religious right”. We think the people who will persecute Christians, who will hate us because of our message, are the hardened sinners who reject God with passionate fervor. But every example I can think of in the Bible of “sinners” is almost completely the opposite. Those “hardened sinners” flocked to Jesus. It was the self-righteous, cleaned-up, religious folk who persecuted Jesus and his followers.

Just a couple things to think about from what Jesus said.

Running Out

GasLately I have been running several things dry. First it was my own body, falling asleep during a BILLS GAME almost instantly, with no recollection of the “nodding off” part. Just complete, immediate shut down. Then today I had a couple more incidents…

First, on returning from our friends house, the van started acting like it was running out of gas. I checked our gauge, and we should have been fine, according to that. However, our gauge is broken, so we use the computer in the van that helps you figure out gas used, and since I had only filled up with about 15 gallons the previous time, we were in fact empty, without me knowing it.

We ran out of gas right in the middle of an intersection, but made it through OK. We stopped right in front of a house, so I went to see if they could just give us enough gas to get to a pretty nearby gas station. They could, and they did… and we were on our way. Putting 25 gallons of gas in our van when we did reach the fueling station. πŸ™‚

Then just now, I was typing a quick post for the Buffalo Bills Review site, and my laptop just instantly shut down. Turns out the battery was low, but the warning did not kick in. So, I forgot to keep checking the remaining batter, and it just shut everything down. (Thankfully, blogger does a good job of auto-saving everything, and I didn’t have much more to type πŸ˜‰

Well, now that I have told the story, I better shut this computer down, and lay down before I just fall asleep right here and now! Fewer sudden shut downs, or drying up of the fuel would be better….

Facebook Friends

One more thing…

Just today I have heard from three former classmates via my Facebook page! Two of them are from elementary school (in Caracas Venezuela) and then another friend from high school wrote today. How cool is that?? Especially the elementary school friends from 24 years ago!!

If you have not checked out facebook… it seems to be worth it. A great place to make connections – even really, really old ones!