Willow Creek Repents?

I saw a quick post by a friend today linking to an article about Willow Creek perhaps “repenting” of it’s church/business model?

I don’t think it’s that groundbreaking, as it seems WCCC is just going in a different “business” direction, but it’s still pretty interesting to see them find that the super elaborate programs aren’t all that helpful in people walking daily with Jesus. (Admittedly, I scanned the article quickly … will read again later, but I think that was a major part of it.)

“The Show” as I like to call it (not necessarily derisively) has been the main focus of the American church for so long… would be interesting to see such a key player in that take a different direction. (Again, I think they’ll just figure out another way to make a business model of life with Jesus, but… that’s just me)

Here are a couple of articles I have posted here in the past that may be relevant:
The Important


Wedding Smiles
I don’t have time today to write what I wish I could write about this day. Maybe I will have more time when we are on vacation at the end of the month? Regardless, I did not want to let the day pass without mentioning it here at GregsHead.net.

I am a lot of things… writer, musician, web designer, tech support, computer sales, sports writer/podcaster, and a few more. But there is nothing that means more to me than being Jen’s husband. (OK, you can throw in being my kids’ dad… and some other close relationships…)


I only have one wife, and my one and only choice was and is Jen. I have a lot of stuff, do a lot of things, and even have lots of great relationships… but there is only one Jen. And I love her more than I can ever say. I am so, SO thankful that God has given me 10 years so far as her husband, and I’m looking forward to the next 10 even more. 🙂

I love you, Jen! Happy anniversary.

[PS… posted some old photos from 1997 on Facebook. Thought I’d share here, too.] (You don’t need an account to see the photos.)

Candidate Calculator

Candidate Calculator Results
I found this site last night, and thought it was interesting… I actually care very little about politics because I really just don’t like government very much at all anyway. I know it’s idealistic, but I definitely have Libertarian leanings, where each person is responsible for themselves, and the people around them. I don’t like that the government seems to be taking more and more control over people’s lives. 🙁 Definitely not a socialist… 🙂

Anyhoo… looks like I need to vote Huckabee. (Um, seriously… don’t you think he should change his name or something? President Huckabee???) 🙂

Click the image above and see who you should vote for! 🙂

(direct link: http://www.vajoe.com/candidate_calculator.html)

The Bleacher Report

I have been fascinated with a new website I found via an application on Facebook. It’s called The Bleacher Report, and the idea is that it’s an open source sports page. Anyone can create an account and contribute, and anyone can modify existing articles. These modifications can be just correcting grammar, spelling, typos, or even incorrect facts. Some of the articles I have posted there have actually been considerably re-worded, but in a good way. It’s like having an editor for free! (And if I want to change anything, I can always go back and change it.)

Stop by for a visit, create an account if you’re into sports of all sorts… and comment, edit, revise, or start your own sports column! 🙂

One of my recent articles there, “Are The Bills Better Off Without Losman?” was instantly in the top news results for a Bills-related search. Pretty crazy!

You can just stop by my page there, too, if you’d like:

Apple Announces Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard

Mac OS X Leopard - Pre-Order Today!Just in case you are not subscribed to my Apple blog… thought I would let you know that Apple announced a release date for their long-awaited OS update. October 26th will be the day you can get your hands on the latest and greatest OS! There are links to pages detailing the many new features and upgrades on the article I posted at my Apple blog. Head over and check it out!

(If you already know you just want to buy it, you can click on the software retail box above…) 🙂

Jesus Is Staying at MY House!

The boys and I are reading through the book of John now, and this morning we read the story of when Andrew met Jesus, and introduced his brother (Simon Peter) to the Messiah! He was very eager to let his brother know that he had found the Messiah. Not sure if he could have understood how Jesus thought of such a term, but he was certainly excited about it!

The part I thought was a bit different today was the strange question asked of Jesus. The new followers asked Jesus, “Teacher, where do you live?” So, he showed them. They came over to his house.

Ian thought that was as odd as I did, and reasoned that perhaps Jesus was staying with some friends. (Jesus said somewhere else that he had no “place to rest his head”, and we know that he’s on the road at this point, too.

The interesting thing was not that he was staying with friends, the interesting thing to me is how there’s no star power to Jesus. We have no account of him staying with the most important people of the day. We don’t know much about it. But to me, that’s what stands out.

When we talked about that, I thought in my head, “How cool would it be if Jesus stayed in our house??” But then I realized I was succumbing to “star power”.

Jesus is not concerned with popularity. He never sought the limelight, nor did he have “too little time” for people not on his agenda for the day. That’s so backwards from what we do today. Often elevating people to levels they should not have to maintain on their own.

It seems like having Jesus stay with you was an instant free ticket to heaven. Seems like someone housing him would have mentioned Jesus’ temporary place of residence. But, they don’t. And Jesus continues to be a transient.

It’s amazing how differently we all can see Jesus, and who he was, what he was doing here. That’s something I hope to get from reading through John again. I want to see Jesus for who he is, and learn more about him that I don’t already know. I want to see stuff that I have never seen before.

And I am confident that I will. I’ll try and share some of those nuggets with you here.

Under Two Weeks!

I can’t believe it’s really here, but we are under two weeks from leaving for eight days—without our children!!! Seriously. It’s true! We leave a week from Friday, and will return the following Saturday night. Jen’s folks are keeping our kiddos for the week, and my folks gave us a week of their time share… all for our 10th anniversary celebration! What a celebration!

We’re so looking forward to it. The problem is the major cramming I am doing now to complete several projects before we leave! Still going nuts!

Besides relaxing for a week with no children, just enjoying each other’s company (celebrating TEN YEARS of marriage!) we’ll get to see some friends from college who live out “near” there. (At least closer there than they are to our home here in New York…) 🙂

So, fun all around! We’re 11 days away!! Holy cow!! 🙂

Quick Links

Hey folks… more to come, even today I hope. But have a couple quick things for you today:

Five Free Songs!
If you’re on Facebook, I heard through a podcast today that you can get 5 free songs from iTunes just by joining the Ticketmaster Live group. And, it’s true. I have 5 song credits on my iTunes account, just for joining their group. Neat!

The Holy Observer: October Edition
Folks, this site is just so well done. If you haven’t clicked over there in the past when I’ve linked it, you ought to take a moment and do that today. So well written, and expertly designed… and hilarious! I love the church sign for this month! 🙂

Enjoy… More to come.


Last night we recorded our Buffalo Bills show after a few technical difficulties to start. First, when we initially connected, there was a very bad echo on my Dave’s side, but not on mine. He reconnected, then I did, then we started a whole new call… no luck. Was not going to work. I had told John to join us in a specific way using that service that was now too echo-y… so we scrapped that, and I called up John using Skype. All seemed well until the airport annoucements behind John nearly took over the conversation! It was frustrating, but kind of funny. Eventually, John was disconnected entirely, and we finished the show… glad to have gotten that over with.

When I came back to the office to do the final edit… I began listening and could not believe my ears. The echo was there—even though neither of us had heard it during recording—and it was unbearable. I could not go with what we had recorded. It was almost midnight, so we could not record again till the next day at least… I was not sure what to do.

I decided to post a note to the website saying we were having technical difficulties, and go get in bed with Jen and watch a movie on my laptop. I had one sitting around all week that I had gotten from the library, but never had time to watch. As I started watching it, though, the intro seemed familiar. It was a part three of a series, so I thought it was a recap. But the recap was taking a very long time. And it was all exactly what I remembered seeing before…. because…. I HAD seen it before! 🙂

So again, my plans were thwarted. I ended up watching a TV show online that a friend had recommended on his blog. It was pretty interesting, but then… I just ended up going to sleep. 🙂

The best laid plans…