More Than Jesus

“If it’s about something less than him, we can fragment on anything.”

Last night I was listening to a podcast we listen to regularly, and this week’s episode just resonated with me more than I can say. The show covers all sorts of things… it’s just a weekly conversation between two guys trying to live life with God outside of any boxes we can create. This week, I believe the topic was picked from when one of the guys made a trip back to his Christian college alma mater. Many of the people there were living life with Jesus completely differently from how he currently is, or would ever want to – and still there was unity. There was commonness. There was togetherness.

The guys got talking about how if we just share Jesus, we can live together in harmony. When we make it about anything less (they meant that obviously anything in the universe is “less” than Jesus, so if we make our bond, or our unity about anything other than Jesus) then we will inevitably fragment. We’ll argue about music style, or carpet color, or what we call ourselves, or any number of silly things. We’ll even argue about what we call “truth”. But truth is a Person. Not a list of doctrines. So even THAT can get in the way of our unity – of us being a family.

I could not agree more.

Probably more than 10 years ago now, I had just begun working for a tiny “church” here in upstate NY and, being the idealist that I (still) am, I would engage the current “senior pastor” and my fellow fledgling “minister” in long discussions about the nature of what we were trying to accomplish as the Church of Christ at Victor. And when I would boil it all down, I came to the conclusion that nothing that we currently did together – none of the very helpful programs, or even the weekly worship services – were essential to us being the Church. We simple are the Church. Nothing really can change that, unless we choose to leave the Church.

And I don’t mean to put our behinds somewhere else on a Sunday morning.

God’s plan from before creation was to adopt us into his family, as his children. That is what he offers to us. Anyone who accepts his offer is now part of his family – which is The Church. His Body, of which he is the head. His body is not just some small group of people meeting across the street from another small group of people calling themselves his body also… it’s the whole of both of those groups, plus the other three groups meeting just up the street. We in America (not always, but quite often) base our “fellowship” or our connection with believers on the extra name we bear. Not that of an adopted member of God’s family… but that of our local congregation. In many ways, being a member of “First Church of the Resurrection” is more important to us than being a son or daughter of God!

Or at least, that’s the way it would appear.

One of the podcast guys told a great story about one of his instructors (I believe that’s who it was) at his college, who has since been a life-long friend. He had a falling out with the school when he left, and the bitterness continued in him for a time after that. His friend was taking communion one day and as he was holding the bread, looking at it, he saw through the bread – like a door – and on the other side was Jesus, standing there with his arm around one of the people from the school who had hurt him the most. His reaction was, “No, Jesus! You can’t do that! He’s the one who hurt me!” And Jesus’ response was, “I’m not going to stop being this guy’s friend to be your friend.”

How cool is that? Jesus does not take sides (he shows no favorites). He loves us all the same, even when we don’t or can’t. It doesn’t matter how we “do church” or where we “go to church” or anything EXTRA. All that matters is that we are his brothers, that we are all adopted sons and daughters of the same Father.

We don’t have to pretend… we just are. I know, brothers don’t always get along. Just yesterday, Alex came out from the other room to where I was and told me that Ian wasn’t his brother anymore. After stifling a little laugh, I asked, “Well what do you mean?” He told me the “horrible” thing Ian did, and said, “So he’s not my brother anymore.” I smiled at him, and hugged him and said, “You know, that’s never going to change. No matter what either of you do, you’ll always be brothers. That’s just the way it is. So what you have to do now is go back in there and figure out a way to work together.” (I wish the story had a better ending, but I think what he did was go in and demand a little louder what it was he wanted from his brother. πŸ™‚ We’re still working on that….)

But isn’t that the point? We are brothers, and sisters in Christ. We are his family. Not multiple families bearing different names who are distant cousins. We are his family. Brother and sister. When we put anything else in the way of our common bond – Jesus – then we begin living like we are not. Even though that will never change. We will always be brothers.

I thought it was an excellent podcast, and I intend to ask some folks close to me to check it out. How I long for the unity Jesus spoke of in the book of John. We are meant to be united, but too often we make life as a believer to be “more than Jesus”… and it just gets is in a big mess.

It really is true… the more we focus on him, the more he holds all things together (that’s the name of the show…) So, today and this coming week… that’s what I will try to do. I want to focus on him in my relationship with other people, and we’ll see what happens. πŸ™‚

The Best Winter

This has been THE BEST winter! Especially following last year where there were maybe 4 or 5 days (TOTAL!!) where it snowed more than at least an inch. We just got another 8 inches or so last night and I guess more is on the way!!! YES!!!!

Seriously, I don’t know what it is, but big white, fluffy snow just makes me giddy! I was out shoveling today with my neighbor and I just had a constant smile on my face. I was all giddy inside! I love it!

I should snap a few photos and post them here. But for now, I’ll just say that since mid January… we’ve had winter the way it’s supposed to be!

So I say… “Bring it on!” πŸ™‚

Donovan Michael Bowers

I don’t have any photos yet, but should have some soon… just wanted to announce here that not only did my sister have her fourth child yesterday… IT’S A BOY!!! That’s just nuts! They have three other girls, so I just assumed we’d have another niece! πŸ™‚

All did not go as they had hoped, but in the end, Mom & baby are quite healthy. In fact, this boy is NINE pounds EIGHT ounces! Wow-wee-wow!

So, congrats to Josh & Tara and family! I’ll post some photos of our new nephew when I get them. (Or, maybe a link to their website if I can help them get that up.)

However it happens… more will follow soon. πŸ™‚

My Face Hurts, and Spooky Dreams

This past weekend, we went over to Buffalo to celebrate with a friend (who is also now our nieces’ grandpa…) his 20 years of working with the same church where Jen’s dad was for some 30 plus years. There were lots of blasts from the past. It was quite nice.

The only not nice thing was Kirsten kept complaining of being slightly sick.. like she needed to throw up maybe. That’s always a bad thing… We made it through the night without that, and a very tired Kirstie fell asleep on the hour and a half ride home. All seemed well.

At about 12:30, all had gone to bed, but I was still putting some things away, cleaning up, etc… when I heard Kirstie crying. I went into her room and she was still asleep… so I just helped her get under her blankets again, I figured she was just really, really tired. She went right back to sleep… all was well.

I went downstairs to watch a science show I had been wanting to watch for a very long time. I’m sure I saw most of it, but near the end, I fell asleep… maybe around 1:15 or 1:30? I was out for a long time, but just before I woke up, I had a very clear dream where I was waking up and Jen said to me, “Good, now you can help Kirstie.” Our clock’s hourly chime woke me up, and I realized where I was – shook off the strange ending to that dream (though I did check to see if Kirstie was crying again or something – and headed upstairs.

All was quiet, until I reached the top of the steps. As my foot touched the top step, Kirstie started crying again!! I was a little freaked out the my wife had told me in a dream that I needed to help Kirsten. But, actually, that made me take her cry more seriously. I went in and found her uncovered again, and as I picked her up to get her blankets, I noticed she was burning up!!! No wonder she was crying!!!

She definitely had a fever, though I couldn’t prove that, since I had no idea where to even look for the thermometer….. πŸ™‚ I did check in the “normal” place, but, not many things are in the “normal” place in our house… πŸ™‚ Anyway, I got her some fever reducing medicine (the last of it) and brought her into the bathroom to give that to her. She started crying again, louder this time. Jen comes in and just stands at the door of the bathroom for a second. No words are spoken. About 3 seconds later, she turns around and just goes back to bed! That was a funny scene. πŸ™‚

Kirstie manages to get the medicine down, followed by a tiny cup of cold water (she really likes that part… even at three in the morning!) and I got her back in bed. I was a bit disturbed by having been told in a dream that my daughter needed help, so I continued to chat with God about her and whether she would be alright. I decided to wait till 3:30 then go check on her.

At precisely 3:30, I went back into her room and checked her forehead… she was cooling right down. She was still awake, so we asked God together to help her rest so she could get better. She smiled, I left, He helped, we went to sleep.

Fast forward to lunch time. The day had been pretty good so far. Kirstie did not eat much for breakfast… but she seemed to be doing fine. During lunch however, she had gotten down to use “the potty” and while contemplating the deep things of life on said potty… she says, “My face hurts. I need to rest so it can get better.”

“Your face hurts?”

“Yeah, right here,” she pointed to her forehead. “I need to rest so it can get better.”


So, I took her hand and we went up to her room and asked God to take away her face hurt so she could sleep. He did, she did, and all was better.

Kirstie did ask one more time that day if she could rest so her face wouldn’t hurt, but it seems the face hurting ended by Tuesday. We’re glad for that.

It is so fun to hear the things that come from a two-year-old’s heart out through their mouths. It’s kinda weird to hear that comes from the mouth of your spouse in your dreams sometimes…. πŸ™‚

That’s About Right…

Thanks to Chris for posting one of these quizzes to his blog, which I then clicked and saw this particular one… If you know me, you’ll agree that it’s pretty accurate… πŸ™‚

You Are 50% Boyish and 50% Girlish
You are pretty evenly split down the middle – a total eunuch.
Okay, kidding about the eunuch part. But you do get along with both sexes.
You reject traditional gender roles. However, you don’t actively fight them.
You’re just you. You don’t try to be what people expect you to be.

Free Stuff at iTunes?

iTunesYou may not be aware of this, but iTunes has been offering songs and videos for free for… well, perhaps since the iTunes Music Store made its first appearance! Well, not long ago I discovered a page that has all of the (updated weekly, or more) content at the iTunes store! Just thought I’d share here. It’s usually updated on Tuesdays.

This week, I grabbed the song Lonely By Your Side (haven’t listened yet, it’s just the free single of the week) and the president’s State of the Union address. There are more songs and shows and stuff up there. Not a great selection this week, but defintely a link to hold onto.

So, without further ado…

Here’s the link!