More Look-Alikes

Greg looks like Tia CarrereWell, we have been playing with the look-alike site a bit more this weekend, and I was again today (it’s sort of addictive or something?) And I must say that it’s interesting accurate, and hilariously funny…

Except perhaps these results????

I used a photo of me and Alex today, and all TEN results came back FEMALE! Ha! Pretty funny.

Greg looks like Sidney CrosbyI tried it again, just to be sure, and the second time ONE guy did come up. Guess I also look like Sidney Crosby. The boys will like that. πŸ™‚ (Although… Sidney is the name of my sister’s DAUGHTER…..)

Anyway… click a couple more links and let me know if you agree… do I really look like a GIRL? πŸ™‚

First Results
Second Results


I’m not sure what’s gotten into me lately, but since last week, I have been getting up everyday between 6 and 7am!!! Some days I don’t get out of bed until a little later, but I am living the life of a morning person!!! (Those of you who know me know that such a trend will not last long!) I have needed to because of some other things going on. If I wanted to get my morning walk in, I would need to get up earlier. On a couple occasions, I actually began my walk as the sun was coming up!!!

The funniest part has been… being tired before 3am!! πŸ™‚ I actually went to sleep before midnight last night!!

We had a nice weekend. Enjoyed the snow. (Snowing again today!) And lots of NCAA basketball! Michigan State lost in round 2, but in a valiant effort. Lots of unfortunate calls (or no calls) but… it probably wouldn’t have mattered. North Carolina is good.

So are the Sabres.

Wow, this is totally random! Haven’t posted one of these in a while… πŸ™‚

(More to come…)

Problems With Your PC?

Ian found this game online the other day on a visit to the Apple Store! πŸ™‚ The store employees thought Ian was pretty cool finding this “beat up your PC” game… a future Mac Man. πŸ™‚ (Future?? πŸ™‚ He loves them now!) πŸ™‚

Anyhoo… here’s a fun little game for you, especially if you’ve had computer trouble of late. (Viruses? Spyware? Other system failures?)

Enjoy. Let off a little steam… πŸ™‚

Who Does Greg Look Like?

Tyana posted a link to this site on her blog recently, and I found it amusing enough to give it a try myself and the results were at least comical if not all that accurate. πŸ™‚

You upload a photo of yourself, then it uses face recognition software to match you with several celebrities. I don’t know most of the ones that came up, but there were a few funny ones. I tried it with three different photos… including one of me when I had long hair and an extra long goatee πŸ™‚

The results were… fascinating. Everyone from Tommy Lee Jones to Tom Petty to even… Tom Cruise! Ha! Too funny. (And, why so many Toms?)

But the best was link #2 below where the #1 look alike was A GIRL (Natalie Merchant). Sweet.

OK, click and enjoy. (Links will open a JPG in a new window)

Photo 1
Photo 2
Photo 3


I was listening to a podcast from NASA the other day that described a recent photo session from a satellite in a synchronous orbit around the sun, 1 million miles behind the earth. They had captured the moon passing in front of the sun, except, since it was 1,000,000 miles away, the moon was a lot smaller, and did not cover the entire disc of the sun as it does from Earth.

As they were talking, I looked up at the sun, not far above the horizon in the early hours of the morning, and I thought that it is so cool that the sun being 93 million miles away and the moon being a lot closer (don’t remember that distance!) look about the same in our sky. That was a pretty cool plan by the Planner. πŸ™‚

We were just talking not long ago also about how cool just the moon is. How it’s cycles are so regular (people used to plan around the lunar month) and how neat it is that moon always faces the same way? Doesn’t it? It doesn’t rotate. Does it? I’m not putting a lot of research into this… just taking a moment to marvel at the universe God has created. The precision of all of the elements within it working together, and this is the “fallen” state. Romans says creation “groans” to also be set free.

It’s a pretty amazing world. Just wanted to share some of my recent marveling.

Getting Warmer…

It's getting warmer...I am very different from most other people. Many of you reading this website know that already, as you know me outside of my blog. But for those of you who might just be passing by, or only know me from my blog (hmm… you may still be able to know that I’m a bit “different” from that…) I think the following will prove to you just how different I am.

So, yesterday and today have been fantastically warmer. It’s been up near 60ΒΊF which stands in stark contrast to the previous two months of winter. It’s been cold and we’ve had snow on the ground for nearly two full months. I believe we’re at about 93 inches for the season. (Most, or all of that from maybe the middle of January until now.) I have posted here before how GREAT this winter has been for me!! I absolutely love snow! And I do enjoy the cold weather.

What I have noticed around me in this recent, drastic warm up is that EVERYONE (and I think I can safely say EVERYONE) is just in a good mood. Life is swell. Things couldn’t be better. Smiles on faces, whistles on lips… and all because it’s WARM again. People are out in their short sleeves, some in shorts. Everyone has been given a huge lift from this sudden warm up.

Except me. πŸ™‚

I’m not saying I’m depressed or anything… but I almost have the opposite reaction! (It’s crazy, I know.) Like, I’m already missing winter. (And it might be coming back later this week!!) When I breathe the thicker, warmer air, a part of me is just slightly sad. When I see all of our great snow melting completely away… a part of me is sad.

I can’t help but smile and be happy when everyone around me is giddy about the weather… but my true, initial reaction and feeling is… just a touch of sadness!

I am truly the opposite of the world. πŸ™‚

I need to move to Alaska, but Jen needs to not. So, we won’t. πŸ™‚

The funny thing is… come fall, as soon as the temp drops down to the same place (in the fifties), then I am the one who is giddy and can hardly contain myself! The cold is coming! Snow is coming soon! So I do understand why everyone is giddy. Most folks enjoy the summer as much as I enjoy the fall and winter. And so, I will “rejoice with those who rejoice”.

(But secretly… I will be pining for October or November… when the weather gets back to “normal”.) πŸ˜‰