The Best

Buffalo Sabres Lead the NHL

We have had some good teams here in Buffalo, but we’re not used to having the best team. Just watched the Sabres (via TiVo) beat the second place team in the Eastern Conference (the New Jersey Devils) 4-3, with the third NJ goal scored with 1 second left. The Sabres looked talented, confident, cool and collected, and … just great.

They’re deep, too. At least three lines that are fantastic. All can score, and do! And we have a couple more players coming back from injuries in the next couple weeks! Heading into the playoffs, the Sabes will defintely be one of the – or THE – favorites to win it all.

How awesome would that be! NHL Champs – BUFFALO SABRES. Incredible.

Stay tuned… the regular season ends April 8th, and that’s when things get really interesting! I can’t remember Buffalo having a 1st place seed since I have been a fan. I hope that doesn’t make them complacent. I don’t think it will. They know this is their year to win the cup… and I really think they’re going to do it!

Bring it on!!!

I found a couple good articles tonight on the Sabres. Click below to read.

Sabres Prove to Be Class of the East [source:]
Ultimate Standings: Buffalo Sabres are No. 1! [source: ESPN]

I’m STILL Full

I'm STILL FullMan, yesterday was all about the food. And the friends. But lots of food. πŸ™‚

For lunch, we made our first visit to the India House buffet in Victor with our friends the Velasquezes, and a couple of their relatives… it was a big, fun party, with lots of good food (gotta love a buffet!) and I left there quite sure I wouldn’t need food for quite some time.

BUT WAIT. More friends were coming for a visit that evening… the Muscarellas were coming for a Skyline Chili meal! Now, if you’ve had Skyline with us, you know that it’s an all-you-can-eat affair… and indeed… it was. I had three chili spaghettis (2 4-ways and a 3-way) AND a nice big chilito!


We went to Chill & Grill for the 5th time in the 5 days since it opened!!! HA!!!

I’m still full.

So, going to play basketball now and hopefully burn some calories. I feel… heavy. πŸ™‚

It was a great day of food and friends though. Perhaps we should have just spread it out a bit?

By the way… that is me in the photo to the right, but… I don’t really look like that. πŸ™‚ It’s Photo Booth magic. πŸ™‚

Rainy Days and Mondays

So, after I posted the previous post this morning, about losing that article and stuff, I remembered that really the day has not started that well in other ways… I was just feeling “down” in the shower and I remembered that first, my regular morning walk had been interrupted by a thunderstorm. I had to turn back early. Like… at the end of my block. πŸ™‚ I decided to do a quick trip around our block, but that’s less than the 2.6 miles I usually get to walk.

Then, when I got back I went down into my basement – ON OUR COOL NEW CARPET FROM GOD! – and after a few seconds I started smelling POO!!!! And I thought to myself, “I do NOT smell POO!!!!” But, unfortunately, I had failed to avoid some warm steamy pile of dog droppings somewhere on our block and… now it was on several spots of our “new” carpet πŸ™ I got out the cleaning stuff and spent 10 minutes or so scrubbing.

So, after reflecting on the events of the past 8 hours or so… I understood why I just feel “down” today. And as I was showering, the song below came to my head… thought I’d include a clip. πŸ™‚ It’s my sister, Tara, about a dozen years ago or so… on a little Demo tape we made that is now out of circulation.

If you saw the cover, you’d know why it was out of circulation. πŸ™‚

Hope your day is going well, even on a Rainy Monday. πŸ™‚

(PS… when I first tried to publish this post, Blogger told me I could NOT! Thankfully, the back button saved the content. We’ll see when I actually get to post here. Perhaps I should go back to bed?) πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


I was inspired to write a fairly long post from a conversation I had over the weekend at about 1:30am last night. Just after 2am I was done and ready to post it, but wanted to change the title. I tabbed through the fields of this page here, and went to far, so I quickly tabbed through again… and whatever I did… froze the webpage up in some strange loop. πŸ™ I did manage to take a screen shot of the final three paragraphs, so perhaps I can piece the article back together from that?

Or, maybe not.

But, that was a disappointing start to the day (and finish to last night, though I was hopeful it would work itself out.) I went to bed last night though asking God to fix it if it was worth fixing. It wasn’t fixed, so… I guess it wasn’t worth the read. πŸ™‚

(I still may re-work the thoughts that I posted though in a new article. Now if THAT one freezes up… I’ll know to drop the subject!) πŸ™‚

(For those of you (Uncle Jim…) who would like to take the opportunity to say that it wouldn’t have happened on a “PC”… HA!!! HA HA!!! Go ahead and have your fun, but this is the first time that has happened to me, and it could be as much Blogger’s site as my browser… so there!)

Whew. I feel better now. πŸ˜‰

Interesting start to the week… let’s see what comes next. πŸ™‚

Opening Day!

Opening Day!

Some folks look forward to spring time because it means Opening Day. We are some of those folks… but it’s a different sort of Opening Day. We’re not talking baseball… we’re talkin’


We have a little slideshow for you of a few photos from our Opening Day experience. πŸ™‚ Yes, that is a ONE POUND hamburger, and I DID finish it! πŸ™‚

We had a blast, and are hoping to cap off opening day with a little ice cream for a bedtime treat. They close at 10… hope we can make it before that!

If you missed the link above, and want to see the slideshow… click here.


Carpet From God, ο£ΏTV and Other Web Fun

Well, most of the clean up is done, and a neat-o story from today is…

I called a carpet-laying friend of ours today during a break from cleaning up and asked if he possibly had any scraps of carpet he’d be OK to part with. I told him the situation, and that we had lost all but really one of the scraps of carpet we had formerly been using. He sort of chuckled when he said, “[My partner] just called 10 minutes ago, from a job he’s doing, and asked if I knew of anyone who could use the carpet he just ripped up.” Awesome. That was a fun piece of good news.

I like good news.

Speaking of news… while I was away from my computer…

A (cool) Morphable Model of 3D Faces
AppleTV is Now Shipping
Apple Sent Out a Special Invitation

We’ve Been TP-ed

toilet paperThe clean up continues, and I must say the worst part (besides the obvious offensive smell) has been finding TOILET PAPER all over everything. πŸ™ (Well, just the floor, and the toilet bowl.) You know… I don’t really enjoy cleaning up my own kids’ poo… I’m not so much enjoying cleaning up poo from my whole TOWN.

Thankfully, there have been no actual poo sightings. πŸ™‚

I’m making progress… hope to be done by this afternoon.

This has been another home-owner’s adventure, to be sure.

Something Has Come Up…

I walked downstairs to get something, or do something… I can’t really recall those moments right now. Whatever it was that I had in mind got completely obliterated by the overwhelming odor I smelled first near our bathroom and then downstairs, in the room the kids were in.

My natural assumption was children, being children, were filling the room with their own stench. I checked. They were not. And this was a very oddly bad smell. I was about to head back upstairs when passing through that room again was so unbearable I had to find the source of that smell.

I finally realized that it smelled like sewage, and I thought perhaps that ancient toilet in our basement (we just stack things on top of it) might be belching up some fumes or something.

It was belching up lots more than that.

When I went downstairs I heard a little “waterfall” and went to investigate. Water was pouring out of the toilet. I cleared it off, tried to look for any valves I could… until I finally just shut off the water to our entire house. I lifted the lid to find fresh “poo poo” and toilet paper floating in there. (I could rule out that anyone used our toilet by the fact that I had to move 50 pounds of books and other things off of the lid to get there!)

I had no idea what to do. The basement is flooded with other people’s flushes, and it’s still coming.

I called the village water folks. They tried calling… but got no answer. I called a plumber, and he told me to call the village. At least he told me more. Apparently, we’re not the only ones. There’s a “main” backed up on our street… and sure enough, my neighbors have confirmed this. So we’re all sharing in the joy of this smelly day.

Unfortunately, lots of our basement (and so, lots of our stuff down there) is sitting in 1-2″ of poo water. Looks like I have a new agenda for today. πŸ™

So… they assure me the truck is coming soon. We’ll see.

Just how do you clean up such a mess?