Chips & Salsa

Chips & SalsaYesterday I strolled through the living room and saw the boys eating chips and salsa again, which has become one of their favorite snacks. That’s cool, and all, except, it’s one of mine also! So I said to the boys, “No more chips and salsa for the boys… FOREVER!!!” 🙂 (I used my teasing voice, I think, so… I thought nothing of it.)

Today, Alex asks Mom, “Can I have some pretzels, Mom?” And Jen tells me that he asks for pretzels now, because I told them to not eat chips and salsa anymore!!!!

Well, I felt pretty bad (but chuckled at the same time…) 🙂 So, I called out to Alex, “Alex… you can have chips and salsa…”

At which point Alex closes the door to my office, but I can hear him run to tell Ian, “Ian! Ian!!! We can have CHIPS & SALSA!!!!!

Pretty cute. 🙂

Drill & Fill

Today on the way to the dentist to have a cavity (a pretty good one, it turns out) filled I was talking with Ian (whom I was dropping off at his piano lesson… busy day!) and I said, “See, Dad likes to go to Chill & Grill (our ice cream place) so much that now I have to go to Drill & Fill.”

He laughed. I laughed. Until I had to sit in the seat for 45 minutes of… not fun.

But don’t you think that would be a clever name for a dentist office?

Drill & Fill.

I think I’m onto something there…

Seventeen Years

The Campbell Family

Tonight is the NCAA Men’s Basketball National Championship game. 9pm on CBS. We’ll be gathered round the TV, probably with a snack or two, watching OSU go for the victory in Championship II vs the Univ of FL. (We’re rooting for the Buckeyes…)

But more than basketball, tonight is a celebration of seventeen years of knowing Jen. My wife, my best friend, my life partner, the mother of my four kids, and the person I most enjoy being with. It all started with an introduction in High School Chorale earlier that year, and then the first time we really hung out was at our friend Adam’s house, watching the Fab Five from the University of Michigan taking on someone for the national championship.

And the rest, as they say, is history.

Four kids, a mortgage, various other payments, and various other stresses of life can wear you down, but this day, I can not imagine the past seventeen years without my Jen. I love her completely, flaws and all.

By the way… 17 years is now quite officially more than half of our lives. Crazy!

Here’s hoping the next 17 are fantastically better than the first have been.

(At least I hope maybe we can cut back on the “rough” times… as we approach two decades of life together…) 🙂

The "Word Of God"?

The last two podcasts from The God Journey have been on the topic of Scripture. Good stuff. A few moments that might have challenged me before, but I have been thinking about what the “Word of God” is recently as well. We read through John not too long ago, and everytime you read that phrase there it’s referring to Jesus. A person. The “living & active” Word of God. (Ref: Heb)

I went to Bible college. I learned to revere the Book as many Christians do. But I think I have come to see that the Bible is a very special book that helps us to know God’s heart for us – but we can easily be tricked into worshipping IT. (Rather than the God from whom it comes.)

Good line from one of the podcasts (the second one) was when a friend of one of the hosts was asked, “Do you believe in the inerrancy of Scripture” his reply was, “I believe in the infallibility of the God who gave it to us.” 🙂 That was good.

I do not believe in the super-holy-magicness of the book that I hold in my hand. I do not believe in the “power of prayer”. My hope, my trust, my life is in the One whom I know through those things. God is not limited to the pages of my Bible (nor are the pages actually limited to the type that is on them, which is equally cool!) He IS the Word. (Well, Jesus is, anyway) and that is way cooler than a book 🙂

(Don’t worry… I still think the Bible is the super coolest book… I just think that sometimes we give it more credit that God intended it to have.) 🙂

I’ll take him any day.

The God Journey Podcast
The Wonder of Scripture (3/23/07)
The Wonder of Scripture II (3/30/07)

Simply Fascinating

This morning as I was taking my shower, I turned to face the water to rinse off my soapy face and I felt a breeze. I thought, “That’s odd,” and opened my eyes. It was just the water shooting out, displacing the air, and making a little “breeze”. You don’t necessarily think that when the water shoots out that it has to “move” anything… cause air is so “transparent”. Hard to remember it’s there, and actually substantive. But, it’s true, and there was a little breeze.

So, I just stood there, taking it in for a moment. It was fascinating.

Then I felt a little silly, being fascinated by a shower head… 🙂 But really, it is cool. And so many times we miss the simple things that really are fascinating. God has packed the world full of simply amazing things. Just like the little breeze made by shooting water through the air, or we’ve been having fun tracking Venus across the sky lately, or … you name it. From the tiny to the immense, there are very simple, everyday things that can be so fantastically amazing if we let them.

I hope you have a moment or two today away from the rush and routine of daily life to just be fascinated by something as simple as a little breeze.

Judging You, Judging Me?

The other day as we were reading through the book of Luke, the boys and I heard Jesus say, “Don’t judge other people and God won’t judge you.” I stopped when I said that and said to the boys, “That’s crazy! What does Jesus mean by that? Does he really mean if we just don’t judge other people, then God won’t judge us???” And I thought, How does that get us out of it??

And I think I was revealing a misunderstanding of God right there.

Is God really the big mean judge just waiting to condemn us? Or is he rightfully judge, but willingly grants us a completely restored relationship with him through Jesus – “There is no now condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”?

Today I happend to be thinking of an instance or two where I was feeling “judged” and that reminded me of these words we had recently read, that Jesus spoke long ago. I was thinking about when I felt judged and trying to figure out why I was being judged in the frist place. And all I could think of was that the person(s) I was thinking about just might not understand the God who does not demand perfection from us? Perhaps they just don’t know that God does not look at everything as “right” and “wrong”?

And then the verse made sense! Maybe Jesus didn’t mean the cause and effect version I thought, where when we don’t judge, God doesn’t judge us. Perhaps he meant that if we understand that he doesn’t judge, and so we won’t judge others, then we will feel less and less “judged” by him. As we treat other people as he does – then we can understand the Father who does not “judge” us?

Perhaps I’m just rambling… or just not saying well what I think I realized today. If you have any thoughts, please add them to this. That’d be great.

But also, please know that he does not judge your every move. You are loved by your Father, and there is no condemnation for you who are in Christ Jesus.

An Article on Jesus Christ / Joseph Smith

Not sure how many of the readers of this blog also read my Newsvine column (it is linked to the right over there at the top of the page…) so I thought I might link to an article I posted there today re: the DVD Jesus Christ / Joseph Smith.

I also included links to coverage by the local Utah media as well. Fascinating. 🙂

If you’re interested, read the article here.

Anti-Mormon, or Pro-People?

Jesus Christ / Joseph Smith DVDThere’s quite the firestorm happening out in the western portion of our country this week. Following the distribution of nearly 500,000 DVDs on Sunday by several hundred volunteers across the US, and abroad, the reaction has been swift and (at least to me) surprising.

TV stations and newspapers across Utah and around Phoenix, AZ are covering this story in the “top stories” sections. The headlines usually include “Anti-Mormon DVD” or some other hot-button phrase. The quotes are all basically saying, “This DVD is wrong, we’re right, end of story.” One website actually has publicly labeled the DVD “Mormon-bashing”, saying, “Hate directed at any of us is hate directed at all of us. From whomever that hate comes, and to whomever it’s directed, ADL takes it very seriously and will continue to speak out against it.”

The “spin” is hilarious. Anti-Mormon is the most popular phrase, but most reports paint the producers of this DVD as vehemently against the LDS church and Mormons in general.

I know the folks who made the video. They love God, and love people, and have the best motives to help people get free of a religion that is based on stuff they have found to be “unreliable” at best. (As well as being a very works-based, performance-based religion… which is never fun.) But I was not sure about that whole door-to-door distribution thing as we put the site together, and … perhaps I was right.

Can you ever accomplish anything good by “forcing” (even gently) something on someone else? Especially if it involves saying, “You’re wrong, and I’m right.” I know that’s not the intention of the people who made the DVD, but it’s just that whole thing of “Harsh words stir up anger, but a gentle answer turns away wrath.” The anger has definitely been stirred up. I think it’s certainly misplaced… there is definitely merit to what I have seen on the DVD (at least worth checking into) but this way of distributing the DVD has certainly “stirred up the hornet’s nest”.

Fight, fight, fight. That’s all we do when religion is involved. Whether it’s the big stuff like, “Who do you say that I am?” or just silly little stuff like arguing over semantics of a word in a certain Bible verse – or even sillier, arguing over music style or some other totally irrelevant thing. It is so sad to see how much religion polarizes people (though that word is inaccurate as it suggests only two possible opinions. Perhaps fragments would be a better choice. Whatever the word, the effect is undesireable.) The only folks that I see Jesus being angered by in the various accounts of his life are those who would put so many religious restrictions on others. But Jesus himself even loved them, too.

Mostly, I think we’re “supposed” to get along. We are all children of the same Father, created to live every day to the fullest (which means living it step-by-step-in-step with Him.) A lot of us don’t. Sin has trapped us. We’re kept from knowing the Truth. Not some certain list of “right thinking”… but Jesus said that HE is the Truth. He is the way. That’s not a club by which to bludgeon the non-Christian infidel. That’s an invitation. God became man, just because he loves us. Jesus spent so much more time NOT “doing ministry” than he did in the public eye, healing and teaching. He said the greatest commandment is to love God, and love other people. That’s it.

We get so caught up in the details… and we just end up fighting.

I hope this DVD does help some folks to break free of the bondage of religion. I know (as you can see from the links below) that it will cause division. That’s very sad, but expected. But as one who would love for there to be peace at least from people who have a strong desire to know the God who made them… I do hope that some good comes from this project. A lot of people have poured a lot of life into it. (And I can tell you that it is most certainly not simply “Mormon-bashing” or “hate[ful]” in any way.

It’s just… religion vs. religion… will always cause fights.

So, for kicks (just cause it’s kinda crazy that a website that I worked on is in the news in Utah and elsewhere…) here are a few links related to this DVD…

Jesus Christ / Joseph Smith DVD – Official Site
Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Press Release
A site created to specifically address the “Search for the Truth” DVD
Google News Results for “Joseph Smith DVD”