We’re Off To The LEAH Convention

We’re headed to the LEAH (Loving Education At Home) convention! It’s one of Jen’s favorite times of the year. She loves the home school convention! This year we’re taking Ian, too! Should be a fun time.

It’s also funny that we have a good friend named Leah. What if there was a convention named after you? “Well, I’m headed to the [insert your name here] convention this weekend. Should be a blast!” Wouldn’t that be cool? And weird? πŸ™‚

We’ll probably get some good deals on homeschool supplies/material. We’ll see some good friends. We’ll probably be encouraged. And we’ll have fun just Mom & Dad & Ian. πŸ™‚

I had a couple reports from the convention last year. Perhaps I shall again this year…

iTunes "Releases" Music

iTunes StoreiTunes has announced today the beginning of their move to DRM-free music (meaning, no copy protection… which has been really annoying to digital music purchasers for quite some time). This also means that people who don’t have iPods can purchase stuff from iTunes and just put the song right on their non-Apple MP3 player now. (I still recommend iPods though…) πŸ™‚

Read the linked article for more.

They also announced they have added Paul McCartney’s catalog (I believe DRM-free?) to the store. Another first. The Beatles have been scarce to say the least at the iTunes store. But more will be coming.

So, just wanted to let you know… click over to iTunes and have a look!
iTunes Music Store (iTunes link)

The Shack – Just Beginning

The ShackI read a few chapters of this book last night. It has come VERY highly recommended. I got a copy from the folks who are publishing it, for helping with their website. Actually, I have been worried it couldn’t possibly live up to all of the accolades it has received!

But, so far… it has.

Last night I finished chapter four (just starting really) and even though it was 2am, I couldn’t stop reading… it is definitely well written, and a sad but compelling story. (And I don’t think I’ve gotten to the good part yet!)

I know the book is about who God is even in horrible tragedy. I got to read what the tragedy was last night, and let me tell you… without giving too much away, it involves a little girl, and as a Dad… those are the worst kind. I definitely get very emotionally involved in stories about parents and kids, especially Dads and kids who are the same age as mine. πŸ™

So, hoping I don’t have to face that sort of tragedy in person… I will read on and hope to catch a glimpse of God – perhaps a side I haven’t known, or yet needed to know – via the experiences of another believer. Should defintely be a good read.

Click through the links above (click the book if you like) and order your own copy. You can read chapter one on their site, too. I think it’s as good as advertised.

More when I am done, I’m sure…

Trust In Action

I’m having a difficult time right now. I know something to be true, even able to put it into very clear words in a conversation with some friends. But I’m having trouble knowing what to do next.

I know God will take care of my family. I know that I am not the provider for our family, my job does not provide for our family… God does. I know that. I trust him to, because I have seen him do it many times over.

Right now, that is very difficult.

Money coming in is lower than usual… probably feels much lower than it actually is. And there have been many expenses this month, and coming up next month. Not a good combination.

So, I’m asking God to let me know what he wants. Does he want to prove himself to me… where I really let go and trust him? Or is there a time where we need to “take some action”? The points from each “side” are volleying back and forth in my head. I’m sure I will hear the same responses. It’s funny though.. the line reverberating in my head from one “side” is “God helps those who help themselves” (which is not a scripture…) πŸ™‚ while one the other “side” I can think of several scriptures πŸ™‚

“Without faith it is impossible to please God.”

“God is able to do immeasureably more than we could ask or imagine”

“We walk by faith, and not by sight”

Hmm… perhaps I am answering my own question? But that’s just it. I know the truth. I trust the Truth. But… what do I DO right now? I still have the bills to pay. I still have a family to feed and clothe?

This is heavy on my heart right now for sure.

Memorial Day Weekend

Wow! What a crazy weekend! (You know it has to be if I’m writing about the weekend that WAS on WEDNESDAY!!)

I certainly don’t have time to detail all the fun that was had over the long weekend right here, but the brief recap is…

Friday we gave our vocal chords a rare work out again as we sang for Impact Theatre in Palmyra. It was great fun. We scared the people running it when we showed up about 40 min before “go time”. πŸ™‚ We did a totally unplugged concert, and that was actually really nice. Much more intimate. At God’s prompting (I’m pretty sure) I spoke about the power Shame can have over us, and how God defeated that at the cross as well as sin and death. Shame hinders us from being open with each other, ourselves, and especially God. It’s a powerfully binding thing. It was neat how all of my songs seemed to highlight that, and God definitely prompted me to talk about that. Had a few good conversations following our singing re: that, too.

Friday night we kept our friends’ three little girls overnight. It was their baby’s first time away from Mom overnight! Yikes! (Didn’t know that when we “signed up”!) πŸ™‚ They did great, we had a blast, and we shared lunch with their whole family the next afternoon. That night we did some yard work, then headed out for some needed grocery shopping. I think we even watched a show when we got home… the Dukes of Hazzard!!! πŸ™‚ Full day… second late night for the kiddos in a row!

Sunday I got up fairly early to mow, and then clean up the basement (had been wanting to for a while) before heading over for Memorial Day celebrations with family in Clarence, NY. We had lunch with Jen’s family… hung out… played a bit. Then met my sister at a park (she and her family were in town from DC, visiting her in-laws), then had dinner with them and some other friends. THEN, we went over to her in-law’s place and enjoyed a bonfire with them. Sticky marshmallows! Ian even roasted a twizzler! πŸ™‚

An hour and a half after leaving Clarence, we were home… another late night for the kiddos… and Mom & Dad!

Monday started a little later than normal… except the Parade (not sure it deserves a capital “P”) started at 9am, so we woke up the boys, and found spots on our porch to take it all in. It started right at our house! And lasted about … a minute. πŸ™‚ After that big excitement, I worked a short day in the office (knowing I was going to miss most of Tuesday) and then we met up with some friends (the same ones from the beginning of this post) for a Memorial Day evening party. Lots of food, lots of friends (some regulars, some new, and even some very old friends!) Had another camp fire… marshmallows, smores.. etc.

Another late night… man, we were tired!!!!

Tuesday I got up early to get some office work done, then we packed up and headed out just before noon (I think) for a homeschool curriculum sale. Jen was peddling her wares (lots of books and curriculum stuff she has either used or found at thrift stores, etc) and trying to find good deals at the same time. We took the two boys, and had a good time to be sure. Met up with some friends there. (Yes, including the same ones from Friday night, Saturday lunch, and Monday night!) Jen sold some stuff, but not as much as she would have liked…

We came home, I hit the office for a little over an hour… and we headed out to catch Jen’s brother and family in a softball game! They did great! We saw lots of friends there, including the ones I have mentioned fifteen times in this post… (Hey Vs!) πŸ™‚ Grandma & Grandpa even came over from Clarence! So we went out with Jen’s fam after it was all over to get some ice cream treats at McDonald’s πŸ™‚ Fun night. Late night.

Another late night for the kiddos… and this time, I stayed up reading a book (after watching a video we had gotten from our friends, the Vs…) until about 2:30am!!! Wow. I’m crazy!

Today started at 7:15am, so I could be awake to play basketball at 8am with … the SAME FRIENDS… πŸ™‚

And now… I have work to do.

All of that (and the stuff I left out) is why I am feeling particularly tired right now. πŸ™‚

Memorial Day

Memorial Day Flag
(Flags hung on the front of our house… Soon to be unfurled again!)

It’s Memorial Day Weekend! We’re planning to get together with Jen’s family, and my sister and family this Sunday over in Buffalo. It’s the official start of summer! But it’s also a time to remember the people who selflessly have given their lives for our country, and our freedom, and for us.

I wrote a song about Memorial Day a few years back now, and posted it to the blog here. If you’d care to have a listen, and/or read the lyrics, please click here.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend everyone!


The EarthI’ve been watching Star Trek a lot again (my Sabres are done, so… I have more viewing time.) πŸ™‚ I love the stories… I love the idea of space travel. I even love the idea of alien worlds and cultures. Pretty neat.

I have a nifty screen saver that shows a real-time satelite view of the Earth. It’s amazing! I was just taking a look at it and just had to smile at how COOL the Earth is. I thought how amazing it would be to see it from that vantage point. Perhaps from the moon? Even further? But then how much cooler to return home to the big blue oceans, and the green land masses, and the white clouds circling the globe.

And I just wondered… what if we are the only ones? What if we someday figure out how to travel between star systems… and we discover that there is no other planet like ours, and there are no other forms of life outside of our own planet? (In this case, I mean like us… not microbes or whatever…) What would that say about our planet? About us? Doesn’t that make this place pretty amazingly special?

I think it does.

Like I said… I think it would be neat to find other planets like ours out there… even to find there are other living beings elsewhere in the universe. But so far… it’s just us, and we definitely have the coolest planet out there!

Although, I am somewhat partial to those big blue planets, Neptune and Uranus… they look pretty cool, too… πŸ™‚


Greg & Jen - basic - Making MusicIt’s been a long time since we have done a “real” basic gig. Well, we did do one retreat weekend in early February, and before that we did 8 or 9 Christmas concerts… but I can’t actually remember the last time we just did a concert of our music.

Tonight we’re going to be doing that. I’ve actually had to practice a few songs this week… as some of them are beginning to escape my internal song bank. πŸ™‚ We’re singing at Impact Theatre. It’s a free venue for Christian performers. Mostly music, but dance, drama, comedy also. Neat place… usually 75-100 people there? (I’m a bad crowd guesser, so… dunno…)

I decided last night that I should probably change the strings on my guitar. They were sounding really dull… not staying in tune very well. I think this pack of strings has more than done its job. Whereas I used to change strings at least twice a month (sometimes weekly), this pack has been on my guitar for WELL OVER A YEAR.

Now that’s longevity! πŸ™‚

So, I broke out the tools this morning, and rummaged through my bag of strings, hoping to find a complete pack. I pulled out one that looked that way and began the process. I loosened and removed all six strings. Then got out a cloth and shined up my poor, neglected Taylor guitar. I started pulling the strings out of the pack – one at a time – and got to the 3rd string and… it was not there. πŸ™

It’s not so good to start stringing a guitar – especially one that has not been restrung in over a year – and just abruptly stop, leaving it missing a string or two. The tension difference can play with your tuning after that…

So, I looked up a local music store, and decided to head out. I needed to get this fixed asap. I took the boys and we had fun checking out a new music store. It’s only about 5 or 6 miles from our house. That’s neat. We had fun, but I had a mission (and Mom needed the van…) so we headed back.

Now the craziest part was, once I restrung the guitar – well, even AS I was restringING the guitar – I was immediately blasted back to the past. I used to do this ALL THE TIME. It was a strangely cool (and strong) nostalgic experience. I don’t miss doing all the shows we used to do… but I don’t mind that we did that. They are (mostly) all good memories. So, it was crazy doing what I used to do for a morning.

And an evening. Tonight should be more of that same thing. I just hope I remember how the songs go… πŸ˜‰

If you are free, and near Palmyra, NY… please join us tonight for what is now a quite rare occurance. 7:30pm till about 9:15pm. Stop by their website for details…

See ya out there!


The boys and I are reading through Luke (I believe I have already said that…) and today Jesus was addressing another crowd (SIDENOTE: I posted an entry here before about how it seemed that Jesus was not usually speaking to crowds but more to small groups and even individuals. It seems however that in Luke, almost everytime something comes out of Jesus’ mouth it’s to a CROWD, so… I stand corrected. πŸ™‚ End sidenote…) We read a story, and some more teaching from Jesus.

The story was about a rich man who had an abundant crop. He decided he would store it all up in bigger barns, so he’d be set for the future. God said, “You dummy… you’re going to die tonight… what good does all your stuff do you now?” Then Jesus reminded us that birds don’t have to worry about what they will eat, and flowers look great, even though they’re here today, burned tomorrow. We’re more important to God than both of those, so… don’t worry.

And we finished today with Jesus saying don’t treasure things that can be taken, or eaten. (Moths destroy…) Make your treasure eternal stuff… sorta, intangible stuff. Things that can’t be taken. Because, where your treasure is, that’s where your heart is.

(Somewhere else it says that your heart is the “wellspring of life”… I think that means it’s important…)

So I asked the boys what this meant. First they shook their heads in bewilderment. But with some more directed questions, we figured out that Jesus was trying to tell us not to worry about stuff. Don’t “treasure” stuff that will break, could be taken, or will just eventually be gone.

Alex didn’t like that so much.

I said, “What if our house burned down? To the ground. Everything was gone. Then what would happen? Would that be bad?”

Ian quickly said no, but Alex had a very concerned look on his face. Finally he said, “That would be bad!”

I said, “Why would that be bad?”

“Well, it would burn down, but we’d have Sega, Nintendo, and Backyard Football?” (He really, really likes video games…)

“No, they’d all be gone. But we’re all fine. Would we be OK?” I asked.

He thought for a moment and stuck to his guns, “No…” his eyes were filled with near horror, “That would be bad!”

You gotta love Alex’s honesty. He really means it. To him, that would mean the end of his world. For whatever reason, Ian has learned the lesson that stuff does not matter. It’s fun. He can enjoy it just as much as Alex, but Alex has wrapped his heart up in stuff. He can not imagine a world without his stuff.

I told him that this was a great example of what Jesus was talking about. Stuff doesn’t matter, and Jesus knew that. It’s fun, but it doesn’t matter. If we “treasure” stuff that will eventually break, be taken, or just die… then our hearts will be crushed with our treasure. Where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also.

And later this morning I got to thinking. I know I would be OK if all my stuff was gone. I would be a bit panicked about all my clients’ files and such. Hard to recover all that stuff. I would be bummed to lose the stuff of nostalgic and emotional value. But in the end I’d be OK.

That said, I sure do have a lot to distract me from important stuff! I love video games too. That takes a good amount of my time if I let it. I sure do love my computers, and the internet. That takes time too. I love to watch Star Treks. I love watching Hockey, and Football. I enjoy a good movie now and again. I even enjoy sitting down with a nice book and a cup o’ something.

There sure is a lot to “treasure”, eh?

So, I think at some point in the not-too-distant future… I may take a serious break from all my stuff. I want to cut away the distractions and spend some good time with Jesus. Every once in a while I long for that (I guess, when I haven’t had it in a while?) and now is one of those times. I think he was reminding me of that again today.

Some stuff in life is expendable. Well, OK… probably most stuff. Some stuff is not. Time with my Father who loves me is fantastic. I mean just hanging out time. We’re always together. He’s with me in everything I do. But sometimes it’s good to just be together, not really doing anything else, eh? I think I’m wanting some of that today.

So, I hope your treasures are in the right place today. I don’t mean black/white, right/wrong. I just mean, in a place where your heart won’t be crushed if your treasure is. We’re going to coax Alex toward that better place. Hope he follows.

Air Conditioner Installed!

Today is a special day for me. Every year I both rue the day, and am elated on that same day. Today I installed my window air conditioning unit in my office. And I turned it on. πŸ™‚


The other day I like is when I get to take it out, and just enjoy the coolness of Fall and Winter, that I don’t have to PAY FOR. πŸ™‚

But, today I just have a constant smile on my face. πŸ™‚

(See?) πŸ™‚