Ubiquitous WiFi

An article came out this past weekend regarding Google’s potential bid for the soon-to-be-free radio wave frequencies. If you didn’t know, by 2009, there will be no more analog TV signals… everything will be digital. This is to free up the frequencies around the 700Mhz range. One of the benefits of this range of frequencies is its ability to penetrate walls.

Google has said some interesting things about keeping the market competitive by keeping it open. Speculation ranges from Google getting into the cell phone business to ubiquitous WiFi. (The latter is something I heard about quite a while ago, but this latest news from Google seems to make it more of a real possibility than just wishful thinking.)

Just imagine… anywhere you can get a TV signal now, you will have full access to broadband internet, as well as the ability to make VOIP calls, or cell phone calls… FOR FREE! Wow. That would be impressive. I hope they can pull it off!

Read that linked article for more, or just check out the latest news from Google.

When Jesus Is Powerless?

I was reminded of a time from the book of Mark where the Bible says Jesus was not able to perform miracles, and could only heal “a few people”.

When I first heard that again, it struck me as quite odd. Here is the Creator of all that is, and he is actually limited by a group of people’s lack of faith? Couldn’t he work around that somehow? It says he was only able to heal a few people. How strange.

In other instances, Jesus does say, “Your faith has made you well.” But, I guess I always just glanced over that a bit. I mean, really. It’s not our faith, but God’s power, right? Isn’t it? Well, if it is… how was it that Jesus was unable to perform miracles in his hometown? How is it that he was so limited?

I think this is a neat reminder that though Jesus certainly was the Word through whom the universe was created, he was also fully, 100% man. He did nothing without the Father’s lead. That concept just doesn’t make sense. You can’t be 100% of two things. That would be 200%, and that’s not possible by definition. But Jesus is, and was, and that’s just a tad confusing. πŸ™‚

Just a little something to get you thinking…

Two Days

Bills Fans
Are you ready for some football??? Man, we are!!! I can’t believe it, but by the time you are reading this, there are only TWO DAYS until the Bills start training camp! TWO DAYS!!! We’ll be heading out to see them practice on Friday with the Drake family (Dave of Buffalo Bills Review fame) and perhaps another friend or two.

There is always reason for optimism this early in the season, but have a look at some stuff on my Buffalo Bills site at some of the actual reasons for optimism. I might write one more article this week as the beginning of the season approaches, but for now there’s plenty of good stuff up there.

We’ll be starting up our show again if not this weekend, next weekend. If you haven’t checked it out yet, I encourage you too. We’re have some new segments planned, a new host or two, and we’ll hopefully be working in many interviews throughout the season.

Fun stuff! Football is almost here!!! WHOOHOO!!!!!

Friends, and Friends of Friends

As I was working on restoring our trailer yesterday (more about that later…) I was listening to a few podcasts, including the latest God Journey. The episode title was the same as the title of this post. Wayne Jacobsen was telling the story of his recent trip to Ireland to gather with around 100 people from all over the world, just to be together. It wasn’t a conference with any sort of program or agenda, just a gathering of friends.

While he was there he said he realized that the Body of Christ is not about what we do together really, “the Body of Christ is friends, and friends of friends”. He saw that as people from all over the world were connecting that week through other connections. “Hi [friend]! I’d like to introduce you to [my other friend].” And once the introduction had taken place, Jesus’ body was grown and strengthened as they shared stories of what God has done and is doing in them.

There was not one sermon, not one time where everyone sat and listened to one person. There was only one song they all sang together. There were times when they were all together, but the focus was on each other, not any one thing they were doing. In a gathering of 100 people, there might have been 50 conversations. And again, none of this was planned or scheduled… they just let it happen. And it did.

So, it sounded like a cool week where part of the body of Christ was enjoying life as (perhaps) it’s meant to be. It was encouraging to hear how God had brought all of those people together, one relationship at a time, over 30 years or so.

Toward the end of the podcast, as Wayne was reflecting on that week and some other recent events in his life, he said this:

“The fact that they’ve been 30 years related to each other says a whole lot about the fact that they didn’t have an organization to carry together, because if they would have had an organization to carry together, they likely wouldn’t still be in fellowship all of them with each other.

That’s what our [personal] track record is like. … If we hadn’t had this machine among us, and the fight for who could control it, who was willing to fight to control it, we’d probably still be great friends today. Actually, the power of the institution got between us. There was something to fight over, something to own, something to have.”

And I think those words instantly made me stop what I was doing, and make a mental note to go back and write them down. I know I have probably said something like that here before, but it is so true, and was evidenced at a party we were at this weekend.

My brother-in-law was being celebrated by his church for 25 years of service there. Twenty-five years is a LOT of years! He has also been married that long as of this coming October. So we were twice celebrating his oldness! πŸ™‚ It was fun.

Part of the celebration was a slideshow of various moments over the past 25 years. It was nice to relive the memories, and to see old faces. (Some are not with us any more.) But as the slideshow went along, I noticed two things. First, one of the main memories was building a new building. I certainly remember how much effort we put into doing that. (That’s when I was on staff with that group as well.) It certainly was a major event in the timeline of that group’s existence. But it dominated a good portion of the slideshow, when I wished we could see more photos of people…

Second, and most disheartening, was once we got back to people, over and over all I could see were people who had been somehow hurt by others in the church, and had left hurt, disgraced, or disgruntled. I actually hope that I was the only one who noticed that. But I really did. So many faces of people who were somehow either hurt enough to leave, or else had no other option but to leave. Good people who were prime time players in the goings on of this organization.

Then I heard the words Wayne said regarding his observation of that group of believers in Ireland. They have no organization to protect. All they have is their shared life together. There’s no building, no programs, no schedule, no “Purpose“… just 30 years of living life together with Jesus in common. I couldn’t help but connect that thought with what I had seen and felt during that slideshow.

I know that people move on, and relationships (maybe even mostly) are “for a season”. But I don’t believe they have to end with hurt. Unfortunately, the specific organization I am talking about (as evidenced by what Wayne said) is not alone in its track record of disagreements leading to fractured fellowship. I am convinced that if we didn’t have a “Thing” to protect, or to run, or to serve… we would enjoy being together that much more. The “Thing” (Wayne called it a “machine”) definitely gets in between us. It can bring us together, but quite often, in the end, it gets in between us.

Living life outside of that Thing is interesting. It’s certainly freeing, and we have never known God so personally and completely involved in everything we do more than we do now. It’s also a bit frustrating relationally as many times we are not able to spend time with the friends we have made over the years because they are otherwise scheduled with events, gatherings, or meetings related to their particular Thing. Busyness is probably more an American problem than a problem with the Thing, but it is certainly evidenced there as well. But we are in America, so we have certainly seen that busyness limiting our time to just enjoy relationship with our friends who are Christians.

I don’t really have a neat summary point to all of this. Just sharing some observations from the weekend. I really think it’s true that we could really experience what the body of Christ is so much more if we weren’t trying to do these “Things”. I certainly have the limited perspective of just being me, and my 33 years or so on the planet. But from where I am now, and what I have seen… life is about people and relationships, not about what we do.

Seems that’s quite well applied to the church, too.

Ice Cream Update – Week 3

A friend asked yesterday what we’ve been up to this summer. I feel like we’ve been busy, but for whatever reason when he asked that was all I could remember… being busy. The only specifics I could remember were hanging out with friends and eating ice cream!!! Ha! That has kinda been a theme of this month…

Here’s an update on the ice cream consumption for week three of July. I have eaten ice cream every day, but I’ll just do the highlights here. If there’s no highlight, I just had some ice cream from the freezer, homemade or store bought.

  • 7/15 – We only ate once at Chill & Grill with the Chis. The first time did us in! Oh, well, maybe those homemade chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches, too? πŸ™‚
  • 7/16 – I tried Perry’s White Lightning for the first time on Monday night. One of my new top five favorites!!
  • 7/17 – SUPER FUN homemade ice cream party with friends. I made a gallon of vanilla, and a half gallon of strawberry on Monday night, and then Tuesday night we ate a lot! There were tons of great toppings too! It was a feast! I had three and a half bowls!!!
  • 7/18 & 7/19 – Just a little ice cream from the freezer was the treat for these days!
  • 7/20 – An impromptu trip to Dari-an in Farmington, NY followed a nice dinner with some friends at our house. I had mango dole-whip (a sort of soft-serve sherbet). Tasty!
  • 7/21 – Our first visit to Coldstone Creamery in Pittsford, NY was the ice cream treat for yesterday! (Though I did finish off some of the homemade strawberry later that night…) Coldstone has some great inclusions (the stuff you mix into your ice cream). I had mint mint chocolate chocolate chip. And it really was that. πŸ™‚

Believe it or not, I really have eaten ice cream (and sometimes a LOT of it) every day this month! 21 days and counting!

The Fake God

Kirstie's Fake GodJen took Kirstie over to spend the night with some friends (which ended up getting canceled due to a sudden bout with tummy trouble!) and on the way over here’s how the conversation went…

“God is far away,” Kirstie stated matter of factly.

“Actually, he’s right here with us,” Mom replied. “God is very close.”

“No, not the real God,” she clarified, “I mean the fake god.”

“The fake god?” asked Mom.

“The white God, in the white building!”

If you drive past the Hill Cumorah visitor center, on the way to our house (we must pass this at least 3 or 4 times a week I’d guess?) you’ll see a bright, white, shining Jesus with arms outstretched. We always say hello to “Jesus” as we drive by. But, “He’s not the real Jesus,” we clarify.

Guess Kirstie picked up on that. πŸ™‚

Various Endeavors

There’s been a bunch of randomness this week. Things are in a “down time”, or a “lull” in the web design world, so I have been taking advantage of that by working on some other projects that I ordinarily would not be able to give time to. Some of those include:

  • Trailer Refurbishment
    We decided to sell our basic trailer, since we have not used it (except as storage for our musical things) since February of 2005!! It is still in decent condition, and should sell for a decent price. I had to replace the thing on the front that raises and lowers it. The handle had snapped off, so the whole thing needed to be replaced. And since I was doing that, I ended up painting the whole front hitch assembly part. And the fiberglass top that had faded. My neighbor has been helping as well, and he helped re-fasten the loose light on the left side. I’m even taking off and cleaning/painting the tires! It’s been a bigger job than I thought it would be… but the trailer is going to look nice very soon!

    If anyone is interested in a 6 x 10 cargo trailer in very good condition, please let me know. I’ll be putting it on CraigsList.com as soon as it’s ready (very soon, once it stops RAINING!) so let me know before that. Just click the e-mail me links (top, and right column).

  • Blog Updates
    As mentioned recently, I have also been updating the right column of this site. Adding links to my various websites and just cleaning things up a bit.
  • Buffalo Bills Review
    The Bills season is upon us! Training camp starts in less than a WEEK! So I have been updating our website (BuffaloBillsReview.com) as well as doing a bunch of other behind the scenes things. We even decided to make some “staff” t-shirts (which I might make available to the general public later). We’ll wear them on visits to training camp, and pre-season games… a little advertising ploy… πŸ˜‰ I’ll have a link up on the Bills Review site soon with a photo of the shirt, and maybe a link to order some.
  • There’s The Steeple… Here’s The Church Audiobook Podcast
    I have also had time to get a little ahead in the audiobook recording. Been posting chapters/episodes weekly. You can download them at gregshead.net/church or, just go straight to iTunes. This week’s chapter is actually part two of last week’s “A Bigger View of Church”. Includes an article by Wayne Jacobsen titled, “Living in the Relational Church”.
  • Selling Tickets
    One of the updates I made to our Buffalo Bills Review site was to add some “sponsors” down the right side. OK, they’re not really sponsors… but I am an affiliate of some sort for most of them, so when people click on banners those and use their services, we will receive a commission of some sort. Pretty neat!

    Anyhoo, one of them is StubHub.com. It’s a ticket reselling marketplace. So, you have tickets, you can offer them up for sale. You want tickets – to about ANYTHING – you can find them there! We purchased Bills season tickets and have been selling the ones to games we won’t be going to. It actually has worked out to make our tickets to the games we’re going to a bit cheaper! Fantastic! So, most of the ones we have listed are gone, but there are a few left! Head over to my Buffalo Bills Review site and check out StubHub.com! (Our tickets are in section 225, if you want those…) πŸ˜‰

  • Making Ice Cream!
    I’ve kind of mentioned this already, but man, we’ve made more ice cream this summer than ever! Last night’s vanilla turned out awesome! The strawberry not as much, but it was still pretty good! The consistency is absolutely the hardest thing to master. I’m getting better, but still have much room for improvement. Oh well… guess I have to make more ice cream…. πŸ™‚

The one thing I keep feeling the urge to do but have not taken the time to do yet is to work on our One Man, One Woman book. Several things recently have reminded me of the very cool lessons in trusting God contained in that book (that is not yet written). I think it may be time to flesh it out a bit more. I have more on trusting (or not trusting) God… but that’s for another upcoming post to GregsHead.net. Stay tuned…

Till then… time for some more odd jobs! πŸ™‚

Ice Cream Celebrations…

It’s probably starting to feel like all I do around here is talk about ICE CREAM! Well, for this month, I guess that’s true πŸ™‚ It is National Ice Cream Month, and I have had ice cream EVERY DAY this month. 19 days in a row, and counting!

For tonight, we made a gallon of vanilla ice cream, and about half a gallon of strawberry last night. We’ll be bringing the finished product over to our friends’ house and enjoying that with them (and some other friends) and using the rest of the strawberry “base”? in a little kids hand-crank ice cream maker to make the rest! Should be fun. πŸ™‚

Speaking of fun, I meant to give a little update on how our 10th anniversary of our decision to wed went. It was a nice two day, for the most part. On the 16th, I arranged to take Jen out for a nice lunch, and got her 10 roses in a nice vase for our 10 years. She loves flowers, and we are hardly ever able to get them, so I think that was really special. Cool part was, the flowers arrived at almost the same time as the babysitter! Couldn’t have timed it any better!

Previously I had arranged with some other friends to get a little extended time out for the night of the 17th. We got to spend about four hours eating at Olive Garden, doing a little grocery shopping (WITH NO KIDS), and even stopped by a favorite coffee house on the way back to get our kids. It was a nice end to the two-day celebration.

I think it’s really cool that Jen and I get to be married. I think it’s also cool that we decided to do that in the month of July… NATIONAL ICE CREAM MONTH! Now every year, we can celebrate that anniversary with one of the best foods ever invented! πŸ™‚

Time to head over to the party. More ice cream!!! πŸ™‚

Ice Cream Personality?

Chocolate Chip Ice CreamI took one of the ice cream quizzes linked from the ice cream blog today, and here are the top two results:

Mixed flavors
You are a negotiator. You’ll do anything you can to avoid open conflict so you never start quarrels. You will give in when you think it’s appropriate but you can be doggedly persistent when you know that justice is on your side.

Chocolate chip
You sincerely believe that everything around you is beautiful, even though other people may not notice. You are a determined person and set high goals for your life.

Jen (and I agree) thinks that the second one is probably more accurate, but I don’t just like Chocolate Chip Ice Cream… I like lots of flavors WITH chocolate chips in it!! πŸ™‚ (As you’ll notice from my post yesterday…)

Anyway, take the test yourself if you’d like! And don’t forget to comment on the ice cream blog. One lucky July commenter will win a year’s supply of Turkey Hill ice cream!! Whoohooo!