Hiroshima: August 6th, 1945

HiroshimaAfter recently watching those two movies about the battle for Iwo Jima, I found it intriguing when I discovered that today is the anniversary of the day the US dropped the first atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima, Japan. I clicked on the link in my “This Day In History” widget, and read about this day 62 years ago. I listened to President Truman’s speech following the decision to drop the bomb. I watched some videos from the history channel online. Again, I was fascinated.

What most blew my mind was the position of Harry Truman. How do you actually ever feel you have the authority to make such a decision? How did he actually pull the trigger? I read one article that reminded me that the America of the 1940s was not the same one as today. In many ways that’s really sad. But perhaps in the way of viewing people of various ethnic backgrounds as equals… we are certainly better off today than we were then. So some have suggested it was easier because they were just “Japs”.

I should hope not, but certainly a possible explanation.

Because really, how do you decide to do that? The logic given in his post-dropping speech was that the Japanese would fight to the death. Killing up to “half a million” US soldiers. Dropping the bomb saved lives. While I agree that this is true, I do side with critics who believe that estimate is ridiculously high.

When he gave the order to drop the bomb, I’m sure it was not taken lightly. I’m sure agonizing thought went into it. And, it had been a long war. It was time for it to be over, and this weapon could pretty hastily ensure that it would be.

But at what cost?

I am not sure I could ever make such a decision. In retrospect, you’re glad it ended the war, but as is everything surround a war, it’s just so sad and ugly.

I borrowed a couple books from the library tonight on Hiroshima. One is just named Hiroshima by John Hershey. Supposed to have some eye witness accounts. Was written as the rubble was still smoldering. The second is a series of two books, The Memoirs of Harry Truman. That, too should prove interesting, as the hardest thing about Aug 6th 1945 for me to grasp is what actually was going on in Truman’s mind? How do you make that call??

I’ll likely share some thoughts from the books soon… just thought I’d post this on the day we dropped the bomb.

Happy 62nd anniversary of the first atomic bomb! (Now there’s something to celebrate!) πŸ˜‰

.Mac Update Tomorrow?

Apple Event August 7th, 2007
Well, it seems that along with the possibility of a new iMac, perhaps Apple will also announce a new version of .Mac, it’s internet service. For a long time now, people have not been too impressed with .Mac, because without much effort, you can find better versions of most of what .Mac offers across the world wide web – for free. What .Mac offers (and the reason we currently have two accounts) is integration of all of those things, for $99/yr.

At this year’s WWDC, some great new .Mac features were announced. The main one that caught people’s attention was the “Back To My Mac” feature that will allow users to access all the files (they choose to make availble) on their Mac – from anywhere! This will be extremely useful to anyone who travels with their laptop. (I’ll use it!!)

So, tomorrow morning, look for the planned .Mac updates, as well as, I suppose, those shiny new metallic iMacs!


(And, don’t forget, if you want one… let me know!) πŸ™‚

I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means…

One more quick post…

I’ve been doing laundry tonight, in between blog posts (and reading other blogs/sites). Our dryer has three settings for the automatic drying cycles. There is Less Dry, More Dry, and Optimum Dry. Now, unless I am not remembering the correct definition for the word “optimum“… when would you ever not choose “Optimum Dry”?


Thurman Thomas in the Hall of Fame

Thurman Thomas and Marv Levy at 2007 Hall of Fame Enshrinement
If you missed it, Thurman Thomas was enshrined in the NFL Hall of Fame this weekend! That’s fun stuff for Bills fans! Thurman was definitely one of the key elements of our FOUR CONSECUTIVE Super Bowls. He and Jim Kelly definitely deserve to be the first two from that team (besides Coach Marv Levy) to be added to the Hall of Fame.

There’s a bunch of great stuff about Thurman online… check out the article I posted tonight at BuffaloBillsReview.com. There are several links there including a couple to videos of his speech given yesterday at the NFLHOF in Canton, OH.

He was an incredible player, and it was fun to re-live the memories as I read the articles and watched the videos this week. Congrats, Thurman!

Weekend Visit

I am tired and sunburned, but it was a really good weekend! πŸ™‚

It began Thursday night, actually. My parents got into town (a bit later than they would have liked) and we went out for some ice cream at Chill & Grill. Nice! Actually, they ended up staying at our house and just chatting till after 11pm, which is very odd for my Dad at least… πŸ™‚ That was a nice start to a fun visit.

On Friday we spent the day with them at their KOA campground site. They brought their big Arctic Fox trailer up and we hung out in that, but mostly outside. Yes, you read that right… OUTSIDE. If you know me, and perhaps know what our weather was like on Friday (mid 90s, and overpoweringly humid) then you know that is very out of the ordinary…

But, we weren’t going to let a little heat stop us! πŸ˜‰

We played miniature golf… a LOT! We swam in the in ground pool… A LOT! We had pizza, Esther Price chocolate, swam, walked, completed and obstacle course, played on a playground, played football, swam, and played some more miniature golf! By the time we had done all that, it was time for a nice dinner at the Wegman’s Market Cafe. Then off to Sharks Custard & Candy for some great homemade ice cream to top off the evening! QUITE a day. Seriously beat at the end of that one!!!

Then on Saturday we moved the party to Palmyra, where Grandpa Tom could work on a few projects around our house. While he put up a gutter outside our back door, and leveled our stove, and scoped out a few future projects, Grammy helped do some deep cleaning in the kitchen, and I made some fantastic home-cooked meals. (Skyline for us, a nice vegetable-rich tomato sauce for Grammy & Grandpa, and a fresh Zucchini medley for lunch, then STEAKS on the grill and homemade mashed potatoes for dinner!) We played LifeStories during nap time, and then headed back to Chill & Grill to finish off the evening with some ice cream!! We were stuffed, to be sure!

Overall it was a full, but somehow relaxing and quite enjoyable visit. Thanks for coming up Mom & Dad! Always fun, and somehow particularly so this time!

To finish off the weekend, we spent most of today (it seemed!) over at our friends’ new home, celebrating their 10-year-old’s birthday! Lots of friends, old and some new… great foot, played some football, and just spent time chatting with friends. We also sang some of our stuff for about 45 minutes as well. It was a nice finish to the weekend. (Oh, we did take a dip in our neighbor’s pool after the party… then put the kids in bed a tad early after such a full weekend!!!)

As you can tell from the time of this post, I had some catching up to do on my blog, and on my Buffalo Bills site… as well as a pretty hefty amount of laundry and some dishes to do! That was the finish to my weekend!

If you have read all of tonight’s posts… you deserve a medal or something. Leave a comment to that effect and I’ll work on something…

For now… time to sleep!

Iwo Jima

Flags of our FathersOver the past couple weeks I have watched two WWII movies at the recommendation of a friend (or, kind of two… Amy wrote about it on her blog loooong ago, but Marie is the friend I was referring to…). She asked if we had seen Letters from Iwo Jima, to which I replied, “No, what’s it about?” She explained that it was sort of a companion to Flags of Our Fathers (which reminded me of Amy’s post, about her friends being in the movie…) and from Marie’s description, it sounded like they were both worth the watch.

I started with Flags since it was the first one made. It was a good movie. Interesting story angle. The focus was on a field medic (not sure that’s really his title… he’s the guy who goes out in the middle of a battle to treat/rescue fallen soldiers) who finds himself shipped across the country along with two other “heroes” from Iwo Jima just because he was named as one of the (now famous) flag raisers. (You know that famous statue/photo with those Marines hoisting the American flag together? Yeah, that one.)

It was interesting to think of how desperately America needed heroes. The story goes that the guys the US gov’t paraded around did not feel like heroes, or want to be heroes. But in the end, I think they were presented as that, and most people would still consider them that.

As for the story of the battle at Iwo Jima. Just nuts! Intense, insane fighting on a tiny little island off the southern coast of Japan. It was crucial to the war, and it’s capture likely helped the US finish the war not much later.

As all war movies, it was just a completely unfathomable environment. The most memorable scene was where the aforementioned medic is in the middle of the battlefield, attempting to treat an American soldier, when out of nowhere comes a Japanese soldier. He lunges at the medic with a knife, but the medic avoids him, and instead is able to use his own knife to stab the Japanese soldier. For a poignant moment, the medic looks the Japanese solider in the eye, the camera has panned out to show the wounded American soldier right next to the now dying Japanese solider. Similar wounds, but the medic is (understandably) trying to kill one, and save the other. It was a very “human” moment in the chaos.

Letters from Iwo JimaNow the interesting part of the double feature was that the second movie was about the same battle, but from the opposite perspective. Letters is the story as the Japanese saw it. It was filmed almost entirely in Japanese. I thought it was such an interesting idea (the story of an American battle told from the “enemy’s” point of view) that I was very much looking forward to watching the second part, maybe more than the first.

It did not disappoint. I thought using the letters from Japanese soliders was a great way to show the humanity of the “enemy” soldiers. I’m sure the easier thing to do in war is to demonize the enemy… and that is what both sides did. There was a cool moment in the movie where a commander of one Japanese unit decides to save and treat a wounded American soldier. His men want to “finish” the Marine, but this commander – who spent some time in America – wanted to “do what is right”. He talks to the young Marine, gets to know a little about him. Not much later, the Marine dies of his wounds. The commander found a letter on him from his mother. He reads it aloud (in Japanese… pretty good translating…) πŸ™‚ to his soldiers. The end of the letter says, “Remember to do what is right. Just because it’s right.” Another very “human” moment.

Overall I thought both movies did a good job of revealing that we are pretty much the same. Yes as different cultures we do have different priorities and slight differences, but really… we all bleed. We all die. We all fear. We all love. It was an insanely sad event in the history of our planet, but it seems like overall good came from it. Still, watching both movies, you just want to say, “Work it out, boys!”

I will never understand war. I don’t suppose any of us will. War movies and books are just fascinating to me for that reason. It’s beyond my comprehension how we can so lower the humanity of another person that we are able to kill so many. I know you probably just “do what you have to do”, but still… how crazy.

Flags and Letters were both excellent re-tellings of the events at Iwo Jima in WWII, and I do recommend you watch them. Obviously, they are graphic. So, be warned. But the storie are well told, and compelling. And especially Letters is such a fascinating experience… watching the story from the other side. Good stuff.

This Is New…

I was checking out our Buffalo Bills Review page at the iTunes store tonight. A few people have added some reviews of our show, which I think helps people find and decide to subscribe to the show. That’s cool, and we appreciate the comments/reviews.

But I noticed in the “bread crumb” navigation at the top that there was a new main category called “Amateur”. That’s new. One of the amazing things about iTunes for podcasters is that everything is equal. Our show is just as available as one put out by ESPN. And, it still is that way… but I wonder if they might be moving toward separating them?

Just for fun, I clicked on the Amateur tab and found out that our show is one of the Featured Podcasts! So, that’s pretty neat.

But overall, I really hope they don’t separate the “amateur” and the “professional”. I know I don’t get paid to do BBR, but man, I think it’s (at least pretty close to) professional quality? (Have a listen if you’ve never caught an episode. Good stuff… especially for Bills fans.) There are way too many super bad amateur podcasts on iTunes, so I understand the idea of separating them, but I would hope that they don’t ever completely separate them. We’ll just have to see…

But for now, we’re a featured Amateur podcast! Sweet! πŸ™‚

LifeStories: A Great Family Game

Life Stories GameWhen my parents visited this weekend, we had a little time on Saturday afternoon where we could play a board game. Projects were done, girls were napping, kitchen was cleaned up. I happened to remember the game LifeStories. The point of the game is not competition but chances for all to share stories of meaningful memories in their lives. On each turn you get a card from a certain pile that leads you to tell a specific story from your past.

I asked if we could play, and no one objected… so we did. It was great! The boys (and later Kirstie) got to hear stories from Grammy & Grandpa’s past… and Dad’s… and later Mom’s… and we even got to hear some of the stories that they have found significant in their lives so far. Pretty cool.

We broke it out awhile ago (pretty sure I posted something to the blog here about it?) for just our family to tell stories. That was definitely a fun night, so on a visit from Jen’s parents not long after that I broke out the cards from the game and we asked some questions of Grandma & Grandpa… it’s just a great way to start the telling of stories.

And really, what better way to spend time with family? πŸ™‚

We highly recommend…

It’s Tea Time Again

My new brown teapot!
When my Mom (who is not an avid reader of GregsHead.net…) heard the story of my recent teapot neglect, she asked if I had gotten a new teapot. I had scoped out the options at Wal-Mart, but they were either more pricey than I had anticipated, or too cheap. So, as of yet, I had not. That was the answer she was looking for. πŸ™‚

Surprisingly enough… she actually had an extra teapot. Yes, if you know my Mom… that is really not a surprise. πŸ™‚ She really has an “extra” everything I think. It’s quite fascinating. And quite cool for me!

So now, the teapot you see above is sitting on my stove, and has made my first cup of Earl Grey (sipping as I type now, actually)…

Jen’s favorite part? It’s brown. For some reason, Brown is the new favorite around here.

So, all are happy that a new teapot has come to our home!

Dolled-Up Food

Strawberries with Chocolate and Whipped Cream
It really just started out as an attempt to get a nice healthy snack around midnight. I had some carrots, with a nice dill dip I made. Then tried some potato chips in that dip, too. (OK, that wasn’t healthy…) Then I just really wanted something sweet…

Fruit! We have grapes! So, I got some of those, then noticed the strawberries. Mmmmm… strawberries. So, I got out the container, and decided to cut some up.

Here’s where it got interesting. πŸ˜‰

So, since I was already preparing the snack (instead of just eating it) I decided to spruce it up a bit. I got out a little plate for my beheaded strawberries. Then I remembered the hot fudge in the fridge!!! So I got out a little bowl, and popped the jar of fudge in the microwave. Less than a minute later, I had some warm, flowing fudge!

After pouring the hot fudge in the little bowl, it still needed something more. Oh yeah!!! I remembered that whipped cream in the fridge!!!!

So, after I whipped up the Cool Whip and put a nice little dollop on top of the hot fudge, I realized that I had made quite a little creation here. πŸ™‚ I do love to make my food look good!

Not the best photo, but wanted to share what I saw before I devoured it. They were tasty!!!