Not A Creature Was Stirring…

Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)

Four Campbell Kids
There is still a whole 24 hours of quiet to come. I really can’t believe it. The onslaught of this silence was so quick, so unexpected. It’s eerie… unwanted. Disturbing. And yet… glorious. 😉

The kids are at Grandma & Grandpa’s! They have been since Tuesday evening. The will be until tomorrow, probably around lunch time!!! Holy cow! Do you know how crazy that is??? My mother-in-law is a fantastic lover of children – and subsequently, of us!

In the interrim, we have gone out to dinner twice on a couple cash gifts given to us by each of our fathers. Nothing too fancy, but just a nice bonus to this strange yet wonderful quietness. We’re going out one more time tonight, at our friends’ request and treat. (That one has been planned for a while now.)

It has been wonderful for Jen, for sure, and I’ve enjoyed it as well. Some for me, but mostly I have enjoyed having a happier, less burdened wife. That’s been nice. 🙂

So, I miss my kids a lot. Can’t wait to see them tomorrow. But, thankful that we have parents who are so willing to take them – not just so we get a break, but because they love having them around, and to themselves. I don’t think a lot of people have that. It’s a very nice gift, to be sure. 🙂

Right now I must run a few errands… and JEN is coming with me! Sweet!

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