The Proof Has Arrived!

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There's The Steeple... Here's The ChurchWell, it’s here! This afternoon there was a package on my porch from the printer. It was the proof for my book! Yippee!!!

I OKed the proof and should have a few boxes of this book shipped to my house by the second week of July or so!!! Nice!!! I am very much looking forward to that.

More details to follow. Stay tuned to the blog page over the next couple weeks. I’ll be adding a bookstore where you can purchase any of my books (there are three now!) and even get eBook versions! (Those are cheaper… the church book might even be free?)

So… stay tuned… 🙂

OH.. click the cover above for the revised, finished version of the full cover. Thanks to Marie for catching a typo! 🙂

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