Some Nice Photos of the Kids

Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)

I was using our iPhoto app a bunch today, and I noticed that we have some really nice photos in there. I also noticed that it has been a while since I shared any photos here, so as I was about to pick some to post here, I realized that I could just use iWeb (another app that’s bundled with our Macs) to post the photos to a super cool web page.

So I did. 🙂

And I’d like to share. You can click on each photo to enlarge, or view a slideshow that in classic Apple style has lots of pizazz. There’s a cool reflection with each photo, and if you move the mouse to the top of the photo, all of the photos in the slideshow appear transparently over the top of that photo. You can then select whichever one you’d like to view next. Or, you can move the mouse to the bottom of the photo and pause the show, or go forward or backward. Neato. And really, really easy to do. Super easy.

My Dad could even do it, I bet. 😉

Well, enjoy the photos.

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