More Julia… Finally!

Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)

Wow. I’m usually much better at this. Well… it’s 2:30 in the moring, and here are the photos I have been wanting to post:

Julia and her cute hat
Julia in her hat from Dr. Landgraf. (Yes, our doctor made Julia a hat!!!) 🙂
(Click to enlarge)

Julia yawning
Babies are always so tired! Julia is no exception. 🙂

Julia has a round face
Julia has a cool, round face.

Julia reaching
What exactly is she reaching for? 🙂

the two gayles
Julia shares her Grammy’s middle name: Gayle

Julia and Grandpa Tom
Baby Julia and Grandpa Tom

Julia with MOm and Dad
Almost time to leave the hospital. A familiar scene. Baby strapped into car seat, with parents who look like they haven’t gotten much sleep. Very nice…

Julia in Pink
Julia in pink. Even she is pink. 🙂

Julia in Pink 2
Julia in pink. Another.

Julia in Pink
Julia in pink. And yet another. 🙂

I really do have some video too. Will post that soon. Hopefully not at 3:00am any time soon. 🙂


  1. Congrats! She’s beautiful. There’s nothing quite like the beauty and scent of innocence from an infant. You and your family are in my prayers as you bring this blessing into your home and lives.


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