March Madness!!!

Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)

It’s about to begin. At 12:20pm EST, the madness will commence. 65 teams (what happened to 64?) will duke it out, in a manner of speaking, for NCAA hoops supremacy. It’s actually one of the greatest sports moments of each year, in my opinion. Lots of people who are not into college hoops during the season can get enthralled with any number of teams whom they have never heard of. I have done it. It’s great! The action is intense, and the finishes can be simply phenomenal.

This is also the time of the year when Jen and I remember first really hanging out together. We were in 10th grade. I believe we were even at our friend Adam’s house. The tournament was on. The (Univ of Mich) Fab Five were playing. They were good. But I was beginning to notice something more than basketball. Nothing official, or nothing really that I can point to. All I know is, Jen was different, and I knew that I wanted to be around her more often. And so, from some NCAA hoops in March of 1990, we now have a fourth baby with whom to watch NCAA hoops in 2006. Hard to believe sometimes.

I wonder if I was the favorite, or the underdog? 🙂

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