Interesting Article

Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)

I posted an interesting editorial to today. I just thought I would link that here. Basically, I have been fascinated by a trend I have noticed lately, that mostly there is no allowance for varying opinions in our country. Whether it’s on topics such as President Bush and the war in Iraq, or creation vs evolution, or abortion, gay-marriage, or other politically charged issues – or, even within the christian community, topics such as worship styles, and now even whether one should even be part of weekend gatherings or any organized religious institution. Fascinating.

Click the link below to read my article at Newsvine. (Which, by the way, has a very high concentration of “liberal” users.)

Editorial: Are You Entitled To Your Opinion?

One Comment

  1. Congratulations Greg & Jen and the rest of the Campbell family! Julia is beautiful. Glad to here everyone is healthy and happy! Hugs and Prayers from the Jason, Christina & Alex


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