Hockey On The Mind

Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)

I know, I know… it seems all I talk about these days is hockey. Well, it’s a lot of what we’re doing. Until the Western Conference Finals ended early, we were watching some hockey almost every night! Yippee!! It’s been great. And tonight, the Sabres are in game seven of the ECF. It’s down in Carolina, but so far, the Sabres have eliminated their first two opponents on their home ice. That is a good trend for tonight’s game!

A week or two ago, my boys and I created the entire 2005-2006 Sabres squad in an old Sega Gensis game. (NHL 98) So I have been playing through a season with the boys in black and red. Last night I was on a game against the Hurricanes! I thought, this is perfect. This will be the outcome of tomorrow’s game.

The scoring began with Carolina. And they scored two more! 3-0 late in the second. Mike Grier scored to make it 3-1. Third period, Carolina scores – 4-1. The game ended 4-2. Unfortunately, that might be how it goes! 🙁 BUT, not enjoying losing, I continued until the next Carolina game, this one was in Carolina… and the Sabres (on a Maxim Afinogenov goal) pulled out a tenacious 1-0 victory on foreign ice. Awesome!

So, tonight will either be 4-2 Carolina, or a thrilling 1-0 win by the Sabres.



I’m sure I’ll post a report here, win or lose.

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