His Name Was Bo, Right?

Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)

Cute story to start the day here…

I read a short story or two from the Bible each morning with my boys. It’s a blast. We’re still reading through Matthew at the moment. Just got to chapter ten. That was the story where Jesus selected twelve of his friends to go out and do the stuff he was doing, driving out demons and healing people.

As I was beginning to read the list of names, I think I said, “Hey, we just read the story of how Jesus asked one guy to follow him, remember? He wrote this book?”

And Alex (who is four, and quite good at putting things together) said, “Yeah! His name is Bo, right???”

I paused, not sure why he was asking that. I didn’t remember a Bo in the Bible, or anything that sounded like that…

Then I realized what he meant. 🙂

We had just finished reading the book of Acts, which was written by Luke… are you putting it together yet?

“Just the good ol’ boys… never meanin’ no harm…”

You gotta love that 80s TV influence we have inflicted upon our boys. 🙂

So, I told Alex, “Yeah! Good job, Alex! But, it wasn’t Bo… it was Luke who wrote the other book we were reading.”

And somehow, to Alex, that all made very much sense. 🙂

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