Grandpa Tom

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

Today is my Dad’s birthday! He’s a young fifty-six years old today. Not bad being so young, and having seven grand kids to show for it!! 🙂

My mom and dad came up this past weekend to see the new baby and to be with us for a short time. My dad needed to get back for his work. But they called tonight and offered to keep our boys for a whole week if we could just get them down to Cleveland somehow! That was a very generous offer, and actually, a bit uncommon from them. But over the years, my dad has done some extraordinary stuff for us kids. Lots of driving to pick up and drop off…. I remember he would drive me out to East Lansing, MI to my dorm, and then turn right around – literally – and head back to Clarence, NY. That was not a short trip to be making to just drop me off. From driving me around, to taking care of monetary and other stuffs… my Dad has always been a self-sacrificing cool guy. 🙂

As I look around my house, I also see that nearly all of the furniture is actually from his own hands. He made nearly everything in here. And if he didn’t make it, he probably bought it. But the Dad-made stuff is definitely a favorite in our house, and scores high on the cool factor chart as well.

(sorry… it’s 2am.)

Thanks Dad for being a good example of selfless, generous parenting. I hope I can be that to my kids too.

Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great one. 🙂

(My dad reads this blog, so if you’d like to pass along a Happy Birthday to him, just leave a comment here on this blog. His name’s Tom.)


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