Final Proof Corrections Submitted

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Life In The Rearview MirrorWell, it took me most of the night, but I finished making the corrections to the first proof I received from iUniverse, and we’re in the home stretch for the first book, Life In The Rearview Mirror: Reflections On Life Lived! A final proof should be back to me sometime next week, and then it will go to print! Yippee!! 🙂

This book will again be $14.95 since iUniverse sets the price. Sorry about that… wish it could be cheaper. I will get some copies up front, so I will be selling those via this website at a reduced rate. Stay tuned for details on that.

I plan to finish the Here’s The Church book this weekend also and get that submitted to the publisher (a different place… so the book will be cheaper!) by Monday. It’s starting to get exciting! 🙂

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