Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)
Well, if you happened to check this page yesterday, you saw that I finally released my cool Amazon search page idea to the world. was a fairly easy to remember address (URL) that would help generate a little extra income for GregsHead publishing, and that was a good thing.
Well, as I was discussing the site with my wife, we thought, “Oooo! What if we just did,,” (sorta like my site, as well as this one, too I suppose…), “It would be really easy to remember, and even ends in “”.
So, I got the domain name, and set it all up late last night. But then I thought… why aren’t more people doing that…
So I checked the agreement I have with Amazon. 🙂
I am not allowed to use their name in any URL I use. So, is RIGHT OUT!. But, so is 🙁
SO… those links still work, but you’ll notice that they take you to a new page, which, I would like for you to use as the bookmark instead of those other links.
Same functionality, but it complies with the Amazon Associates agreement. 🙂
OK… now that I am in compliance… please do use the page. And feel free to pass along the more appropriate link. 🙂