An Univited Guest

Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)

A Chipmunk!
I discovered an uninvited guest in our newly cleaned basement this morning. I heard some stuff fall down… thought that odd. Then I heard it again, so I knew something was down there with me. Well, I saw him finally… thought it was a squirrel, and that made me mad! I don’t like squirrels.

But then he peeked out and I saw it was a CHIPMUNK. They’re at least cuter.

I tried to get him to come out so I could get him outside, and as he was coming out he fell in a 1-foot deep plastic tub. Awesome! This was going to be easy! However, as I approached the tub to put the lid on, HE JUMPED OUT! Whoa! Quite a vertical on that little guy…

So, he scurried, I chased… for about 10 min. Then I was done. I told him he should come out now, and get in my plastic tub. Otherwise, he might not like the alternatives I select. No answer.

And so, there remains a chipmunk in my basement.

Perhaps we’ll enlist the services of a neighbor’s cat….

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