
Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

Alex CampbellWhile visiting with the Raines family in Virginia (singing at their VBS) we found out that their daughter, Erin, loves to keep track of the funny things Alex says. He is certainly unique, and so his little brain does churn out some fantastic one-liners…

Well, we kept track of a few of those over this past week and wanted to share. 🙂

Here’s Alex.

“Dad, go between ’em!”
(When we were behind two enormous semi trucks driving right next to each other so we couldn’t pass.)

“DAYTIME??????????!!!!!!!!!! It’s a loooooooooooooong day!”
(After all the stuff we had done on July 4th, Alex was pretty sure it should have been night time. We came to a clearing in the trees as we were driving, and we heard those words of astoninshment coming from the back seat…)

“Dad! That’s my craft-giver!”
(At the Raines’ house looking at pictures on their fridge. One of the ladies in the picture was working Alex’s craft room for VBS that week… so she was “the Craft Giver”.)

“Let me out!!!!!!!!!”
(After struggling for several seconds trying to push open the bathroom door at the Raines’ house, but you need to pull it open.)

“Sick and sick can go next to each other… yeah. Sick and sick.”
(Last night, after Alex had thrown up, and Ian was carrying around a bucket, ready to throw up… I was saying to Jen, Ian can’t get sick again, cause he was already better… she said he could get another bug, and Alex interjected the above words of wisdom.)

One conversation went like this:

Dad: What’s everyone having for dinner tonight?
ALL: Skyline!!!!!!!
Dad: No. No Skyline.
ALL: Pizza!!!!!!!!!!!
Dad: No. No pizza.
Alex: I know… Chicken and peanut butter and jelly.
Dad: All on one sandwich?
Alex: Yeah, just like that.


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