A Walnut In My Throat

Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)

Just a quick story for the evening…

I mentioned a while back that I watched Remember The Titans, and that Jen and the kids were going to watch it later. In fact, they did. But, Ian was the only one to make it all the way through. We talked about the movie a bit after he (they) watched it. It is defintely a great movie, with a cool, but sometimes sad story.

So, a few days later, maybe a week, Ian starts talking about the movie again from the back seat of the van.

“You know the sad part of Remember the Titans, where Gary is in the accident, and (later) he dies… Well, I didn’t really cry when that happened. I didn’t cry, but my throat felt like there was a walnut in it or something!!!”

That was cute. 🙂

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