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Tomorrow is my wife’s birthday. I have been looking forward to that day for months now! I love celebrating my wife. She is by far my favorite person. (Though, I do rather enjoy my kids, as well) 🙂

Speaking of that, Jen’s present tomorrow is a weekend at a cool time share resort in Maine — without the kids! (Thanks, Grandma!) We leave tomorrow morning, sans children, for 4 days and 3 nights … without kids.

Have I mentioned we will be leaving the children behind?

We’re looking forward to some quiet time together. An extremely nice birthday present for Jen, I know, and I can’t wait to spend some time with just my wife. It will be so great!

We will meet Grandma on Monday around noon at a half way point between here and Maine, and collect our offspring for the remaining 4 days of vacation (through next Friday.) We always love those times too! It’s fun to just be a family with no daily agenda! Just enjoy being together!

So… hooray for vacation! 🙂

Can’t wait!

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