I was listening to a podcast (a new form of “broadcasting” a radio program is to record it and post it to the internet as an MP3 that people can listen to on their MP3 players – like the iPod – hence the name… podcast!) the other day and a phrase caught my attention. The speaker was a former pastor who has stepped away from “the paid ministry” and is now feeling more free, and more helpful to people than ever before. He spoke of his new paradigm in life saying:
“It’s no longer practice… no longer pretend. It’s real!”
My head nodded emphatically in agreement.
For a while now I have noticed that the whole world of Christianity as I know it has some level of “pretend”. It is in a way, imaginary. We have so closely united our life with Jesus and all of the things we call “church”, that to leave behind any of the practices of christianity is to leave behind some piece of Christ himself. From Sunday school to Sunday potlucks, from Wednesday night prayer meetings to Sunday morning worship, from singing in the choir to going on a short-term mission trip… even down to individual practices of praying before meals or having morning quiet time. None of those things by themselves are bad in any way. When they become the heartbeat of our relationship with God… moreover, when they replace our relationship with him, then we have a term I heard recently… “Churchianity”. The religion of the church.
The church is not a bad thing. The church, as it was designed by God is us, the believers – his bride. Jesus loves the church. But the church as we define it could be any number of things. Could be one of the four buildings at the intersection less than a 1/4 mile from our house. It could be the state registered non-profit organization that owns and meets in those buildings. It could be the hour that folks meet together on Sunday mornings. (“Come on Mertle! We’re going to be late for church!”)
But with our focus so long on the structure for the masses (read the previous blog) we have created an entire world unto itself. The world of the church. The world of pretend. There are customs and behaviors indigenous to this place. The natives seem to know them, and occasionally, there are seminars to explain such customs… but often, they are simply learned through time. Newcomers slowly pick up the new behaviors and make them their own. As with any culture, there is also a native tongue. Travelers can understand most of what is spoken, but many terms are unfamiliar. The banter seems quite familiar to the natives, however. There is an unspoken dress code, a sense that some things are not to be done at some times. Very much like any other group of people, we have created a culture unto itself.
I think that’s too bad. I think that is what the speaker was referring to. We create this world in which we can do and say and think all the right things, and live out a well-performed Christianity. Life was not meant to be lived in a bubble. “Hide it under a bushel — NO! I’m gonna let it shine!” That’s supposed to mean (in the world of pretend) that we wear Jesus t-shirts and always say “Praise the Lord!” and, “Hallelujah!” That’s not what it means! Jesus is saying you have the light. The Light of The World is in us! Why would we coup him up in this building, or at these meetings, or only with other Lamps? Live life! Let the light shine before all men that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven!
I want to know my neighbors. I want people to see in me not someone who is a faithful attendee of Christian meetings, I want them to see a life filled with hope… and Light. A caring neighbor who listens, and is available, not running to the next planned gathering, or rehearsal for said gathering. I want to know the folks I see in the grocery store, and have some connection with them, there at that moment or from previous connectings. I want to be available as Jesus was available.
Some years ago, I really felt like all that mattered in my life was telling people about the reality of God. It is in our little slogan on our website, our business cards, all our basic gear… even our trailer. It says, “Real Life. Real God.” Nothing has been more important to me than sharing the truth that God is real and his part of every bit of our lives. And so I gave up my pursuits of a career in journalism, to follow a leading from God and give my entire life and doings to him. That has led me down some incredible paths. I can’t wait to see what is next! All of my life has been and still is completely for him.
But perhaps my focus has been on the wrong thing. I have poured my life into doing things for him… working on staff with a couple different churches, planning all sorts of events to share this life God is sharing with me…. and so on. But perhaps I have just been feeding the world of pretend? Helping people to confine their Light to the refueling station of “the church”. Perhaps.
Can you tell I am sorting through some things at the moment? I don’t want you to go away from this post feeling at all negative or mad. If you are…. just forget everything I said. 🙂 This is definitely something God and I are dealing with in me. If it sparks something in you, as the phrase at the top did in me… shoot me an e-mail.
Wherever you are in your journey with him… be there. Don’t get your light from other Lamps. Live in the Light of THE Light. Let him live in you, and teach you, and lead you. He is our source. Not the church. Not any pastor. Not any teacher. HE is the Light. HE wants a relationship with YOU. Really.