My Word!

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

I don’t know what it is, but what I say or what I commit to is very important to me. It means a lot to me. I mean what I say and I say what I mean. So, when my mouth starts a runnin’ and I start committing to more than I can do, I start to go a bit crazy.

That was kind of happening today with a client who has a deadline whom I promised I would accomplish a certain level of completion by said deadline. I did not. I can’t say I’m even close. The job was way bigger than I had imagined. So, I called to assure him progress has been made, and we’ll get there, even if I have to stay up all night.

And you know what his response was? He didn’t care! Not one bit. Hmm. Quite different from me who is stressing over this thing that is not even mine, that I must complete at least close to the promised – as somehow that appeases my need to be true to my word.

I am not certain why that matters so much to me, but it certainly does. That’s why anything I have to sign my name to is at least a minor struggle, because you can never completely agree with everything they want you to agree to, right?? 🙂

I know I am being a little crazy… but somehow it matters to me that I be integrous in what I say and/or promise and what I do. It would be pretty cool if we all lived that way and were at least mostly close to that. But I think I noticed again today that I can’t promise tomorrow. No matter how hard I try, no matter how I am characterized, I can never achieve perfection. Only God is ALWAYS faithful to his promises. I am not him.

He keeps reminding me of that recently. 🙂

Well, I am glad I am not, but with his help I will continue to honor people by being true to my word.

I’m gonna need a lot of help…

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