Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)
Do you have days like mine? Today from the very first thought I have just been super introspective. Every once in a while this will happen to me. I am not sure if it’s God finally getting through to me, finally reaching my head and my heart, or perhaps just a severe case of exhaustion.
Whatever it is, the day has been rather rough, and all at once reassuring. I have been reminded several times today of God’s goodness. A story of his provision and his incredible attention to detail during a testimony this morning elicited quite the emotional response – a sudden, involuntary lump blocked my throat. I was overwhelmed by his love for us. And more, and more… even just a story on the radio reminded me that when life is nuts, we just need him.
Not a knowledge of him. Not a method of discovering deeper truths about him. Not a routine that has worked before. Not anything but him.
That might sound weird, but I can’t even tell you how much that has come up in the past 24 hours. I go and I do and I learn and I teach and I share and I talk and I write and I blog and I listen and I share some more… but perhaps I have been too long away from the subject of all my efforts. Perhaps he is calling me back.
Not that I have rejected him. I have not. I don’t believe I ever could. How could I after all he has done for me, and all I have seen? But I do get so caught up in all that I do for him, that I neglect to just be with him. To really talk with him. To even listen to him.
Life is tumultuous for me at the moment. Overbusy, Overtired, Overwhelmed. And in the middle of all of that, we might be changing some major pieces of our life as we know it. And I have not known the peace that I have had in the past. And now I think I know why.
Peace comes from trust. Trust comes from relationship. Relationship comes with time. That has sorely been lacking.
Well, in all of my introspection today, I have certainly come up with some things to ponder in my life, and I shall share a few in the next few minutes here on the blog. Perhaps they will trigger some introspection in you? Perhaps God has brought you to this page as part of his working in you… to draw you into him.
Perhaps. Read on. 🙂