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I don’t much care for days without time for blogging…
Got a lot done today… but no time to write out these thoughts in my head.
Today I was able to use my web designing skills and tools to help two people/organizations that have impacted the...
Here’s an idea! Write a song about those “BLOGLESS” days to the tune of a familiar rock or jazz song! Then you can post it on those days you don’t write so we can hear the song and lament!
Blogless, Blogless nights you make me so blue,
Oh how can I write when my mind seems stuck shut with glue! ………you get my point! 🙂
He he 🙂
Actually, it’s not from Writer’s Block or anything of that sort… it’s that most of my time the past two weeks has been spent either fighting or otherwise dealing with the Time Warner Cable (internet) people… or doing some major websites on DIAL UP!!!
So, once this problem is remedied, I should be able to post LOTS of stuff. 🙂