Current Read: Glimpses of God – Scott Walker

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

Found a book for a mere 99 cents at one of our favorite stops on the east coast. We make a point to stop at this discount book warehouse every time we pass it on I-95 just outside of Savannah, GA. This past occasion was no exception.

The title caught my eye, Glimpses Of God: Stories That Point The Way. Stories are powerful. They captivate us and draw us in, and share truth that pure fact-spouting could never do alone. And so far, the book has done just that. Stories… quick glimpses… of God’s working in this man (the author’s) life.

I read a quote that I wanted to share with you from chapter two I believe. It was not the main point of the chapter, but rang true with me… and thought it worth repeating here. So far, I do recommend the purchase of this book, especially if you can get it at Book Warehouse in Savannah, GA! 🙂

“The early church was Spirit-Centered. It’s ethic was an ethic of the Holy Spirit. As time passed, the Spirit became peripheral and secondary in the life of the church. Toward the end of the first century, the Logos doctrine began to supplant the Spirit as the life force of the churches. By the time of the Middle Ages the Logos had become a metaphysical principal rather than a living personal Lord whose work was made effective by the Spirit. Today, organized effort, rather than the power of the Spirit, has tended to become the pattern of the church. The Spirit has been retained as a doctrine without being effective in Christian experience.”

Henlee H. Barnette

That quote was actually from a book written in 1963… but still applies, I believe, in 2005. Unfortunately I have seen that all too often. We rely far more on our efforts, we speak of our responsibility rather than looking for and joining the work that God is already doing around us.

A good quote. I look forward to reading more.

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