C is for Cookie… That’s Good Enough For Me

Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)

I heard on the news last night that Cookie Monster, the blue cookie-eating furry guy from Sesame Street – a piece of my childhood… is “changing his tune”.

Now, instead of singing, “C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me…”, revealing his deep love for cookies, as his name suggests, he will be singing, “Cookies are a sometimes food…”

WHAT? Come on, people. Seriously. If Cookie Monster can’t eat cookies, I think we’ve gone a bit too far.

The move is an attempt to help overweight children eat better. How is making Cookie Monster show restraint and moderation going to do that?!? HE’S THE COOKIE MONSTER!!! He’s supposed to eat cookies! IT’S FUNNY!

Oh my. I just had to say, oh my.


  1. This is so stupid. Cookie Monster is able to consume mass quantities of cookies because that is what his metabolism is geared towards. As a result, he has huge muscles and ripped abs underneath all that cuddly blue fur.

    This is the kinda thing that would make Hulk want to smash.


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