Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)
I am certainly not in any sort of rhythm here at blog central. I am otherwise occupied, it seems. Sometimes when I don’t write it’s just my brain taking a break. Breaks are good. Refreshing. But this has not been a break, as my little list of things to write about on continues to grow, and continues to be neglected.
Today it felt as thought I owe other people my time. That’s why I don’t blog. Writing time, while for you, the reader, in a sense… is primarily for me. A way to process life. To sort through all that swirls through my consciousness. But when I have clients counting on me to meet their deadlines (and me agreeing to do so), and when I have a family whom I love and want to be with, and when I even want to be spending time with God… writing gets pushed down the line.
From those reasons I listed, it still makes sense to me that I don’t have time to write, but I think I need to perhaps arrange things a bit better for me. I really miss it when I don’t get to put stuff down on paper. (Or on my blog, as is the case here…)
So, I’d say to be on the lookout for a few random and wandering thoughts from Greg’s head here in the near future. 🙂