A Fine Line

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

I have such an interesting job sometimes. Recently, a few clients have reminded me that there is a strange dichotomy in what I do. I am paid (by them) to lend my expertise to their business or project. I am given the task of creatively laying out a graphics project, or a website or otherwise, which involves some subjective decision making. I listen to their ideas, then I get to flesh it out.

Well, at times in that process, my creative ideas do not exactly unfold as they might have imagined. Again, no problem, as it is their project that they are creating… I am just a tool.

However, the part that confuses me, and the fine line I must walk is that I do have expertise. I do (perhaps?) have a better eye than they do for certain things. At the least, I have more experience in what works, or what looks good.

So, at what point is it my responsibility to my client to say, “No, I don’t think that will work… you should go with my idea.” Offered in humility, that is supposed to be in my client’s interest, and part of my role as their tool? Perhaps?

I have had to do some things for clients that went against my better judgment. After a few attempts to sway them, I acquiesced to their (inferior) choice (in my opinion!) and just move on. But my next dilemma then was, do I want to put my NAME on it?! Do I want people seeing other people’s poor choices with MY name on it, like it was my idea, or at least sanctioned by me?!?


This one is puzzling me at the moment. No big deal. Haven’t really been embarrassed by anything I have done yet… but… I assume the day is coming, based on several of my client relationships.

It’s a fascinating line I walk every day.

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