Who Can You Trust??

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

So I was listening to the radio yesterday, and heard a guy who seems to me to be pretty level headed, and I agree with the majority of the stuff he says… and he was talking about John Edwards (the current vice-presidential nominee for Vice President).

Radio Man claimed that Edwards is solely responsible for a lawsuit that increased the cost of baby deliveries in hospitals… a LOT. Some malpractice thing. And his whole argument was not just the fact that it costs more, but that it was based on “junk science”. The costs were raised by an impassioned plea based on something that is not proven (or perhaps proven false?)

So, if you’ll recall a previous post… I said, I really think John Edwards seems cool. Like, just a real, passionate, cares about his country kinda guy. And this thing that Radio Man said did not necessarily prove or deny that, but it does again bring into question…

Who can you trust??

Really… is Edwards sincere and just duped? Or is Radio Man out to get someone of the opposing view point? The media all say varying things… and they are supposed to present us with facts so we can figure stuff out for ourselves. (That rarely, if ever, happens.)

And, if indeed he was sincere in his fighting for this law or case or whatever it was (which I have no reason to disbelieve, since everything I have seen from him seems to be genuine) … then he was duped by someone. So who can HE trust. He was only trying to do the right thing (hypothetically)…

Point is… wish it weren’t so crazy. You? There are so many varying viewpoints, and unfortunately a bunch of selfish, dishonest people trying to dupe the folks who just want to know the truth and do what’s right.

I still am voting for GW, cause I like him. But I will continue to keep my eyes and ears open for more signs of whom I can really trust. Let me know if you know what those signs are…

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