Unbelievable Update

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

My inclination is to still be angry at those who wronged me. To be frustrated by the “circumstances” that made them do what they did. But… I know, I really know, that is not what Jesus did. Life is not a bowl of cherries as they say, but in fact an endless series of opportunities to “consider it pure joy… when you face trials of many kinds”.

Some trials are harder than others.

But often, the answers God brings are more amazing when the trial is more draining.

Last night, Jen’s parents called, just to say hello… and to tell us that a friend gave them a check on Sunday for us. These folks had helped us with our Lord, Hear My Voice CD… and so I had called them about 2 weeks ago when I was still looking for funding options for this current batch of CDs. I left a message saying we needed some financing options, and wondered if they would work out some kind of loan with us.

Well, I never heard back from them until the end of a really hard day… when my father-in-law said he was mailing us a check from them for $3000.

Three Thousand Dollars.

That is half of what we lost, and a little more than half of what we need.

Amazing. Just amazing.

We still need around $2500 more, but apparently God is having fun giving it to us, rather than funding the credit card companies. 🙂

We’ll keep ya updated. 🙂

One Comment

  1. Dude, know that I’m praying for you and Jen at this time. I was quite concerned you know…not that I’m not now…but did read your blog and got concerned.

    If you can find the will and the grace (not the t.v. show) to let it go then please do so. If not, give me the guys address–I have some friends in Buffalo who owe me a couple of favors.

    Love ya,
    Your blogging friend.


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