Things I am thinking through…

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

At the moment, I am trying to figure out these things:

  • The Purpose of Church Structure: Remember my blog on Church Membership? This is related… like, what’s the deal with picking some dudes (or dudettes) and giving them a title and saying, “OK, now… you all… watch over us, and make sure all goes well. When something goes wrong, step in and correct us. Otherwise, go about your business… and make sure you plan some nice stuff for us to do together…” The Bible talks about elders, shepherds, pastors, overseers… but I am trying to break out of my nice neat little box I was given at Bible college to fit them into… and read and understand from what I see in the rest of scripture… the One Body, the Priesthood of ALL Believers, brother and sister in Christ… not a hierarchy. Which is essentially what we have in the aMARican church….
  • How can we both see it so differently?: I listened to Ken Ham (Answers In Genesis) at a convention last weekend, and thought it was so good I would pass it on to a friend of mine. We have had many discussions about science and creation/evolution… and Ham explained quite clearly how we just come at it from diff view points… so we have diff conclusions (in non-repeatable science, like origin of life, etc) And my friend emailed back … and it didn’t even seem like he listened to the MP3 I sent him. What gives? Why do we not listen to each other (that’s the more general “we” now…) Why are we so locked into what we think that we can’t even hear the other side? Strange…
  • How do I have SO much to do, and NO MONEY to show for it?: This one is hard, as it obviously affects lots of things… I am busy with lots to do, but the pay-off is delayed… and the bills are not! 🙂 Trying to be patient and trust God… that’s hard sometimes…
  • How are my tomatoes?: We planted a garden on Monday! Awesome!!!! We’re pretty excited about being farmers…
  • Am I really cut out for this?: Web business is booming… many clients – almost too many – and they all have different needs/demands… hard to keep up. I don’t really know what I am doing? Do I? But I do make nice websites… and they keep paying me… We’ll see how long I can keep this up…
  • Dad’s visit: My Dad is coming in tonight for a quick less than 24-hr visit! Should be fun. Don’t get to hang out with my Dad very much…
  • Our Attic: Dad is coming to help layout plans for finishing our attic! Awesome! My office will move up to the third floor, and Kirstie will get HER OWN ROOM here in my current office!
  • When’s football start?: Just kidding. Sorta…

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