The Same Boat

Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)

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Sometimes… it feels like we’ve earned it
The right to sit at this table of grace
We work so hard, to try to control it
The life that flies right in God’s face

It gets so easy to rest on our merits
“Compared to him, yeah, I look pretty good…”
Not by works, so no one can brag it

That’s the way God made it
We’re all the same to Him
None of us is better than the other…

We’re all in the same boat, on the same sea
Just tryin’ to get from here to there
We live by the same grace, in the same place
Covered by the love of God
We’re all in the same boat, on the same sea
Just tryin’ to get from here to there
We live by the same grace, in the same place
In the center of the love of God

I think the truth is, I wish I could measure
The grace supplied for the work that I do
My sense of justice… just can’t take pleasure
In the lavished-on grace that’s from you

Why should I be lumped in together
With the ones who just can’t get it straight?
But there’s an easy way that I can explain it

(climb – then chorus – then instr bridge – then 2 choruses to end)

Copyright © 2004 basic music ministries. Words & music by Greg Campbell. All rights reserved.

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