
Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

There is a bunch of that in the Campbell house these days. We have obviously brought it on ourselves… but only because we know it is just for a time. Knowledge of that does not however make it easier to handle. 🙂

Stress makes life a lot harder. Every little thing sends you over the edge! You say things you wish you hadn’t. You feel like the whole world is out to get you. It’s crazy. A friend of ours is having a similar weekend, and you can tell that she’s at the end of her rope.

How do we get there? When is too much too much? What is the line for you? Is it defineable? I am not sure I could define that for me… but I know that lately the burden has been way too much. With all the things going on right now, impending deadlines on huge projects with far too many details to manage for any 10 people… and mostly I am trying to be the 10 people.

But once you’re there, what do you do? How do you keep from snapping at people? I asked a friend the other day to pray for me before our worship team rehearsal, cause I knew there would be moments where I would want to bite the heads off of some team members and spit them out on the floor… and I thought that would be bad. So, obviously asking God to help in our time of need is crucial… BUT, how do we reduce the stress level?

God gave us an oasis in the middle of stressland a couple weeks ago. It was nice to not have any events we were responsible for for a couple days… just to have fun as a family and ignore the pressures of life for a time. They did not GAIN pressure… but we gained composure.

So… besides a break (which is not always possible, like on this particular weekend) what sorts of things do you do to relieve stress? I am just looking ahead toward the end. 🙂 I know it’s coming soon… so I have a bit more tolerance that way… you? Any ideas?

Post your comments. But, don’t stress out about it…


One Comment

  1. I bike to relieve stress…which is to say I ride my bicycle. It’s phyiscal, it’s healthy, it’s rhythmical, it’s peace that comes with trekking the landscape, it’s bitter conflict with cagers, it’s joy, it’s laughter, it’s sadness, it’s anger, it’s melancholy, it’s riding so far you’re not sure you’ll have the energy to return, it’s praising the wind at your back and cursing the wind in your face…it can even get you where you’re going if you’re not careful.


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