Sometimes it’s just really fun to see how and when God does stuff.
Earlier this weekend, I commented to Jen – only half joking – that we really had no money (even the cushion we had for a while in savings was gone, because we spent it on what it was saved for, the new CD…) and that we weren’t about to make any since our only gigs this week were coffee house gigs!
(At that point, we had only pulled in $6.50 in tips from our first of three coffee house gigs…)
So, I can actually laugh since I know that God will most definitely come through. We’ve been here before, and I know we most likely will again… it is a sort of cycle. God proves himself to be amazing by providing for us when it looks bleakest… and then sometimes we even get a nice little cushion of comfort… and BLAMMO… it all falls to pieces.
God wants us to trust him, and not our money or ourselves, or anything else really… and the way that He seems to do that in us is to remind us that everything we have and actually, what we do, is from Him.
Last night… a cool encouraging night (except what I wrote about just below this…) and we made about $100 or so. Cool. About what I expect from a coffee house night. Nice. No Biggie.
Then tonight, we drive almost 3 hours to a place where there are usually smaller crowds… it’s a Christian event (again, see the entry below) and sometimes I wonder if it really is worth it? I really love the family who runs it. They are so cool, and encouraging and great. So, that right there almost makes it worth it… but… does it really when money is so tight?
Well, we did it, and I told stories a bunch tonight. In between songs… even got to tell the water shoe story (for background on that story, see this blog.) But really, my main emphasis was on faith, and seeing God do amazing things through and around you when you trust him big-ly.
And then he did.
First, cool stories at the end – of people being moved by what was said or sung. That’s always great to hear. Very specific workings of God in people’s hearts. One lady said that a song we did at the end gave her a new perspective on the death of her son just a couple years ago. Wow. Very cool.
And then we sold several CDs and a couple T-shirts… a good night for such a small crowd, and a repeat visit place.
THEN, I opened the envelope from the people who run the coffee house as we were driving home late at night. Jeff had handed me the envelope just before I mentioned to him that finances had been tough, but that it was OK, cause I knew God was planning to do something great where we could point to him and say that He ROCKS. π
The check inside was for $500!
That blew us both away! This is a small place, not many people… that is not coffee house kinda money! And, now we can pay our bills this week!!!
So, so, so, so, so crazy!!!
A small amount… (sorta) A small “victory” … but exactly what we needed right now.
Thank you God. It is so fun to watch you love us. π