Alexander Caedon Campbell – Three

Three years ago, we were blessed with an amazing child. His name is Alex. He is still amazing. πŸ™‚

On Oct 4th, we were doing a concert in our park in Palmyra (yes, that in itself was crazy…) and Jen was in labor, ready to have a baby… which was the REALLY crazy part.

We got to the hospital at 9pm, and were getting ready to go have a baby… and I just felt a really strong urge to pray. I felt like God was saying that this baby (whom we did not know yet) was going to do big things for Him and I needed to pray… and I did… and I gave God this baby… saying whatever it is you’re asking me to do… this baby is yours. It was vague and ambiguous, but quite powerful. So powerful that of all the crazy stuff that happened that day, THAT is the most present memory that remains in my head.

Well, Alex came along only a few hours later, and was SO fast in coming into the world (a preview of his current personality…) that Jen had some fairly serious blood loss. Blood is better INSIDE your body than out of it… But, the doctors stopped that and Jen recovered. A bit slower, but she recovered.

And we were left with the coolest looking, big-eyed, awesome little boy in the world (besides Ian, of course…) πŸ™‚

We had no idea what would be in store for us, and, we still don’t really… but so far, it’s been an adventure. πŸ™‚

Alex is full of energy, independent, so FUN, and the most polite and considerate little boy you have ever met. (Besides Ian, of course…) πŸ™‚ He is so great at making his own fun in life, marching to the beat (and quite a good one, too) of his own drum. That certainly makes disciplining him more difficult, but I imagine it will continue to be an adventure watching him live life for as long as we get to. πŸ™‚

So, anyway, please celebrate with me the life of our son, Alexander Caedon Campbell.

Three Years Old TODAY!

October 5th, 2004.



I don’t usually talk about politics here, because, you know, I don’t really care. πŸ™‚ Mostly it’s just a bunch of crazy people who like to be in the spotlight and have a sense of power… lots of lies, or at least twisting and spinning the truth and deception to get there, and even to stay there.

But I just couldn’t really believe the debate last Thursday.

We had been watching debate prep news and listening to Glenn Beck that week, and knew some of the stuff they might be talking about… and some of the facts to go with it.

And John Kerry, while he was not TECHNICALLY lying… was totally deceiving by the way he worded things.

Some examples:

He claims we spent 200 billion on the failed war in Iraq, apparently 80 billion of that was for afghanistan, and all of that is budgeted, not spent. But it sounds cooler to say we wasted 200 billion on George W. Bush’s own private bungled war.

He harped on the president for not getting enough international support for the war in Iraq, and then blasted him for not doing bi-lateral talks with North Korea. Bush has a 6-nation council (or something) set up to continue negotiations there, and Kerry wants it to just be the US and N Korea….


He also claimed that America has borne 90% of the cost, and 90% of the casualties in Iraq. That number may be accurate IF YOU DON’T COUNT THE IRAQIS!!! I don’t have the number exactly, but the iraqis (post-Saddam Hussein) have lost more soldiers/policemen combatting the terrorists than everyone else combined. we are less than 50% if they are included, and WHY would they not be??? (Only to make Bush look worse (somehow?) and Kerry look better? I guess?)

And, he quoted the Iraqi leader dude (Prime Minister?) as saying the terrorists are pouring over the borders… but didn’t mention anything about all the GOOD stuff that the PM said. And, Bush actually did point this out, that his comment about the terrorists shows that Iraq WAS a good place to “secure” in the war against terror, because it IS a central place for terrorists…. argh!!!

There were more, I wish I could remember them… perhaps I will later.

But here’s my point.

How sad is it that this power-huungry, crazy-smiling guy can just get up there and blast the President of the United States with half-truths at best, and just have that go unchallenged?

I was actually quite amazed at Bush’s restraint. I would have been quite visibly angry had that been me at the other podium. I have been falsely accused before, and restraint is not my strong suit. πŸ™‚ I do wish he had at least briefly revealed the FULL truth of what Kerry was claiming though. There are always several ways to look at things… it seemed like Bush, in his restraint, didn’t really say very much except, how can you vote for this guy? (Kerry)

So… there’s a debate tomorrow night between the VPs. And another Prez debate on Friday night, and then again on Oct 13th. We will watch as many as we can, and see what these guys say.

But in the end, I think Bush has done a great job. I still don’t really care all that much, but from what I have seen I would not want Kerry in office, mostly because he seems to be so out for himself. Leadership is not about yourself. It’s totally about other people. Not listening to every opinion and leading based on that, that’s ridiculous. But it is about listening, caring, and thinking with every move about the people you are leading. From my vantage point, that is what Bush has done, and will always do.

So, this is not a political blog, but, just wanted to say, I sure hope you’re voting for Bush. πŸ™‚

If you aren’t… (and I know I am opening a can of worms here), you are welcome to leave a comment on this post and tell me why you would not, or even better, why you would vote for John Kerry (or someone else?) and then, of course, I will be welcome to comment on your comment. Anything like Kerry’s sweeping accusations based on half-truths (at least that I know of) will be strongly rebutted. Just to warn you. πŸ™‚

And, please, no political stuff… I don’t care if “the republicans” do this or “the democrats” do that. How about just some issues, or even just why you like or don’t like the guy?

I will vote for GWBush because he’s real, authentic, an obvious leader (to me), and perhaps most important, a follower of Jesus. Not a church goer, like many public figures, but his life (from what I’ve seen and read) is directed by Jesus.

Boy, I am opening this page up to LOTS of commentary.

Well, have fun, and know that 99% of the blogs WILL NOT have anything to do with politics… πŸ™‚

So let it all out here… go on… have fun. πŸ™‚


I think that the Buffalo Bills may be, by the end of the season, the MOST exciting 0-16 team ever there was.

Travis Henry ran for 98 great yards. Eric Moulds looked amazing. He even caught a long TD pass. Bledsoe didn’t look horrible. The defense was forcing turnovers. Even the punter, Brian Moorman (who should be quite popular in our home town…) ran for 34 yards on a messed up punt play.

They have been within a play or a bad call or two in all three games so far. But, have lost each one. πŸ™‚

Should be an interesting, and record-breaking season.

No one has ever been able to go a 16-game season without winning…

The Dream Giver

The Dream Giver

At the strong recommendation of several close friends, I finally got a chance to read the book, The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson. Just completed it this morning (here on VACATION!!!!! Which, by the way, will explain my prolonged absence from blogging… have tried to actually limit computer time and spend as much family time as possible. But, this morning, everyone is still sleeping, and wanted to get down some thoughts from the book… so….)

The whole idea of the book is that every one of us has been given a Big Dream from God (The Dream Giver) and even given the tools to accomplish it and the desire to pursue it… but most of us let that pass by to remain in the land of Familiar.

I agree with that. And the book was quite motivational in that, throughout the read, I was thinking, “YES! I want to live my dream!!!”

Problem is, I still can not figure out exactly what My Dream is…

When he first started out, he said to try and think back to what you have always wanted to do since you were a child… and the first thing that came to my head was writing. I have always loved to write. I wrote stories, and poems, and yes, even songs… (though I don’t really claim any of my 8-year-old songs…) I think I remember writing and even making books with my craft-loving Grandma as early as age 5? I loved it. When at a job fair in high school I was thinking about what sort of career I would like (based on what I like to do), all I could think of was writing.

So, perhaps that’s my dream. Fulfilled in a pretty neato way through the songs God has given me to write, and perhaps even this blog? πŸ™‚

BUT, as the book continued, it sure seemed like basic was my dream. Which was really funny to me. If that is true, it is the dream that I never dreamed. πŸ™‚

A friend who read and recommended the book, talked to me about her dream, because part of the book is to talk to people you know who are living their dream. She saw me as someone living my dream. And I went along with it, though I questioned at the time the veracity of that statement.

My dream? I never wanted to do this? This has never been my plan? I never set out to be a song writer or a worship leader or to trust my family’s entire well-being to the generosity of others (through our Generous God, of course). It has always been something I knew God was calling us to. And he has confirmed that over and over again through numerous miracles in our life of provision and amazing arranging of life circumstances to remind us that He was not only leading but with us every step of the way.

So, I was quite confused, because I know basic is what God wants us to be doing, and how he wants to use us, but I have never considered it a “dream”… and this book (and a past conversation with a friend) is now making me think that it IS my dream.

Which made me sad.

The book was motivating me to want to live my Big Dream from my Dream Giver… and I was realizing that perhaps I was… and all the while, I was refusing to call it My Dream. I continue to not call it my dream, but to think of many other “dreams” when asked what my “dream” is….

I love to write. I have several books that I just need to sit down and write. But who has time to do that? And no one would want to publish them anyway? Why waste the time and energy and resources?

I have always wanted to own and operate a restaurant. I love cooking. Even more than that, I love to serve people. It would be an amazing, family-friendly environment where the food would be mouth-wateringly delicious, the service would make you feel like you’re the most important person there, and the atmosphere would always be super fun! Live music, theme nights, game nights and more? And beyond that, you would always feel loved and welcome there.

One of the books I want to write, is really a joint effort with my wife. And, has already begun. But again, seems like quite a diversion. But anytime we are near to it, any time we get to present it, both Jen and I feel the deep passion of this idea. The subject matter is relationships. There are so many ideas out there, but God has given us the best one in His word. One man and One woman for life. Unconditional, unwavering commitment to another person is the safest, coolest, and still most amazingly dangerous and wonderful place to be. We’re living it! And my passion is that so many young people would trust God enough to let HIM provide their life-mate… not go chasing after it, not go through many pre-partners like disposable spouse samples. There is a better way… and how I long to share that with everyone possible.

Beyond all those dreams, I dream of a family where everyone knows they are a valued member. Where each member realizes they are uniquely created to contribute to the family, and to the world. Where each of us is loved completely and loves completely. Where my wife and I can not just teach our faith, but live it so well that our kids long to follow the God whom we see and follow.

Now which of those is my dream?

Perhaps they all are. In a way, I am living all of those currently. (The restaurant one may be a stretch, but one of my most favorite things to do is to host other families for dinner. Sometimes I even dress the part of the restaurant worker… just ask Laura… πŸ™‚

But as I finished the book, I think I may have finally gotten it.

Yes, perhaps those are all ways that God will work out the “Dream” he has given me. And I think that basic is definitely part of that.

But my dream is more.

I remembered back to a time when I was 18 or 19 years old. I had moved back home to live in my parents’ basement and go to school at the University at Buffalo. I was an English major (pursuing journalism, as a way to live my then small dream of being a writer). But really, my major was The Dream Giver. Every moment of my day was spent pursuing him. Really… you can ask my professors. πŸ™‚ I was late and somewhat inattentive that year. Most likely, they would not even remember me, because I was really just not there.

I even joined the football team (another “dream” of mine… I love the game, and am fairly good at it…) But the only thing that really mattered was giving my everything to Jesus… living for him.

And during that time, I felt God asking me to give him my life.

I fought that HARD! All I could think that it meant was being a PREACHER! And I wanted absolutely no part of that. None. But the invitation was unmistakable.

I want you to give me your whole life…

And my response was similar, I wanted only to live for Jesus and tell other people about life with him. The life he died to offer. And lives to provide.

After big struggles (which are too long to post on this already over-sized blog) I finally decided to go for it, even though “it” was as yet undefined.

I talked with the coach of the spring football team about it. He was a Christian man. Told him I loved the chance to play football, but my passion was elsewhere, and I felt like God was leading me to do this. He agreed (perhaps a bit too quickly?!?) πŸ™‚ and said I should do what God was leading me to do.

I spoke with many folks about it, and decided to end my pursuit of a career in journalism and enroll the following semester at Cincinnati Bible College majoring in… I HAD NO IDEA! πŸ™‚

Along the way, I learned to play guitar. I began to write songs like crazy. I was learning so much about life with Jesus. I got to lead worship for 100 of my fellow students in a very impromptu way… which was unsettling, but led to more opportunities. From that, I was asked to join a campus ministry team. I kept writing songs, and in fact, decided to record a CD of them with friends on campus who formed a band to make the CD, and then to do some concerts and worship leading.

I graduated and continued work in campus ministry. Continued to write songs. Felt God’s strong leading to focus on the music he was giving me. So we moved from an increasingly successful campus ministry to the unknown life of ministry in music.

And there have been many steps along the way where God has continued to hone the direction of his call on my life… on our life.

But I think in the end… that season in my parents’ basement at 10150 Lapp Rd was the defining moment for my dream.

I want to live my life completely for Jesus and let everyone know about life in Him.

That’s it. Whether it’s in campus ministry, or music ministry with a church. Or through basic as it has been for 5 years now. Or through web design, or writing books, or a restaurant, or a bigger-than-me relationships ministry to receptive teens who want God’s best.

Or simply through guiding my amazing family in this faith journey of life.

My dream is to completely trust my Dream Giver with ALL of my life. And to lead others to his life-giving, refreshing, living water.

He is my dream. You are my dream.

Everything else is just bonus.

I Love Jen :-)

A friend of ours wrote a nice poem about his wife recently, and I thought it was pretty cool, and I’m feelin’ the love for Jen… so… enjoy.

Think deeply on the lines that follow, and the literary form therein. Not too deeply, or your head will surely spin…

Jen is by far my best friend

Even though her mood changes like the wind πŸ™‚

Not even that could dampen my love-flame within

Nor quell the love that beats again

In my heart, like first it did when we were ten

Forget that line, it’s not correct

Error mine, now genuflect

Roman catholics, be impressed – that word was used for effect…

I have known her since she was 15

So, for half our life we’ve seen

Parts of the other rarely known

Round these parts, afar or home

Every day we see the good, we see the bad

Get them both, and then you have…

Natalie, Tootie, Blair and Jo

Anybody watch that show?

Not sure where this is really going…

Tis fun, though, to be sure

And now I must bid thee fairwell

Goodnight, Good Evening and good morning

A line from a movie dear to Jen’s heart

It is The Truman show, staring Jim Carrey

Not a classic, per se… but makes Jen laugh, and for me that’s perfect… very. πŸ™‚

Age to Age

I saw decades of time pass in only a few steps through Wegman’s Market today.

First, as I was hurrying through the store to grab some diapers for our third child, Kirsten, I noticed a young couple apparently discussing which variety of bread they might need to take home. The first thing I noticed was how young they looked… I AM getting old… πŸ™‚ Upon further (albeit quick) study, they appeared to be newlyweds. Just trying to figure out the whole shopping for groceries thing…

I started thinking about when Jen and I were first married, and we were trying to figure out life together… how we were going to do things… it wasn’t always easy… πŸ™‚ But the coolness of time passed is that only the fond rememberings remain.

My next thoughts were something out of my post the other day, “The Extras”. I wondered if that was really what we looked like back then. Young, inexperienced, bewildered… πŸ™‚ Probably. It’s fun to think you know what you’re doing as you go along in life, but usually once you get far enough ahead to see clearly behind you, you realize that it was only wishful thinking. I assume that only continues to increase along the way.

So, I smiled at our naivety. At our inexperience. At our youthfulness.

And then I realized that I was staring at them, so I moved on. πŸ™‚

Then, only a few paces further, I passed a man who was probably in his 70s. Perhaps even his 80s. (I hope he doesn’t read my blog… or if he does, that he doesn’t mind me thinking him older than he is…) πŸ™‚ We exchanged smiles, and I kept on toward my diaper goal.

But then the time-warp thing happened again. I imagined me after living some 40 more years. 133% more than what I have already lived. What experiences must I have had? What challenges? What decisions must I have faced? What trials have gone into the wrinkles on my face? What joys have sustained me through them?

And I wondered what he thought of me. 40 years from now, will I look at the 30 year old father of 3 walking through Wegmans in search of diapers, and think back fondly to the days when I thought I had a good grasp on life. When I had a handle on life as I knew it. When I had youthful naivety. Longing for the freshness of that life, but relishing the wisdom that has come from all these years of experience. And the peace that has come with that.

Someday, perhaps I will be that man. And I will pass the young father, and smile. I will again pass the newlyweds… and smile. I will pass the new grandparents, and smile. I will hold the time-weathered hand of my wife of some 5 decades, and smile at where God has brought us.

For now, I will enjoy the current age. Thanks God for today. For the richness of the past and the hope of the future. You rock!

From age to age.

The Important

I have definitely been struggling of late with the institution of the church. My part in the institute is on stage, so really I mostly struggle with every aspect of The Show. That is a subject for an entirely different blog page. Perhaps I will start that one day. But for today… that is a sufficient set-up.

Wednesday night had been a particularly focused day of struggle with the various rules and guidelines and games played while putting on the show. The show we are involved in keeps growing into a bigger and bigger production, which is fine, except that I hate it. πŸ™‚

So, when I get there, every detail that needs to be taken care of grinds on me. Every step is ordered. (Which is also not me at all…) Several things happened that reminded me that the focus is SO not in the right place. At least for me. The focus, our energy, our everything is placed heavily on the production rather than the initial goal of the production. The initial idea is good, but somehow that gets lost in the fleshing out.

I was so weighed down by so many things… how could it get worse?? As I climbed the stairs of the stage to do our first song… I remembered I had not turned my cell phone off. CELL PHONES RINGING ON STAGE ARE A BIG FAT NO-NO!!! But I thought… (1) It won’t ring… and (2) GOOD! if it does!! (Sometimes I can be spiteful…)

So we do our set, and what should happen as we the last chord slowly decays…


(Well, you know… more like a brreeep… but… less effective literarily…)

It was perfect. My cell phone was heard, I believe quite audibly. At EXACTLY the wrong time for the Institution.

We sat down along the side wall, behind everyone and I thought about how silly it was that I just didn’t turn my phone off… how I would probably be the butt of a joke or two since my cell phone rang DURING a worship song…

And then I decided to check my message. During “The Message”, I was listening to my voice mail. Again, not exactly protocol for your average Joe Worshipper… but… just had a hunch.

My hunch was right. It was a call from a member of our small group (perhaps, our “real church”?) who really needed us to pray for them that night. And just wanted to talk.

So, I got up, went outside, and talked. And during the course of the conversation about some really tough decisions they are dealing with… my friend said, “You guys just mean so much to us… your friendship is so important to us.”

And I was glad I called.

But one more noticeable thing happened that night.

As I was talking with our friend on the phone, in the lobby outside of the worship room, another friend came out and saw me and another gentleman on our phones. She scoffed and said, “That’s so wrong!” She meant, “We’re worshipping here, people!!! Cell phones are for OTHER times… not for the worship times… not for CHURCH!!!!”

And I don’t know what the other guy was talking about… but does that matter?

What is more important? Helping a friend in time of need (on the phone) or listening to another truth from Jesus presented in a most entertaining and easily digestible fashion? Loving each other, or sitting in a neatly ordered semi-circle, watching The Show?

The Important was laid out by Jesus.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” And, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

The Show is fun, and good, and helpful. But pales in comparison to answering the cell phone that disrupted the mood we were trying to set for The Show, and loving the person on the other end when they need it most.

That’s important.


Have you ever been squeezed for time… lots to do and a deadline to meet. Errands to run, kids to feed, people to meet. And you’re pretty much staying on top of things, you know when the post office closes and you have just enough time to get there if you hurry.

Closing time is posted as 5:00pm. When you arrive, your clock says 4:58, so you know you’re ok… you just have one package to mail.

You get out of your car, and head in only to see the window being closed! You check your watch again – 4:58 … but the clock on the wall says 5:06pm. WHAT?!?!?

That frustrating scenario has happened too often to me, and yesterday I think it happened to the lady coming in as I was going out of the post office. I saw the window being closed (by quite an ominous barrier, I might add) and just for fun, checked my receipt to see what time their computer said from my sale not 30 seconds ago.


It said, 4:58. Two official minutes left before closing time, but the window was coming down in a hurry.

OK, so turning the clock ahead on the wall is silly, and a cheesy way to honor your posted closing times… but when you close EARLY… there is the greater problem with Americans these days.

We are not here to serve other people. We are earning a paycheck… and that’s it. The mentality is, “Get as much out of it for me as a I can” Longer breaks, come in right on time or just a bit late… leave JUST a bit early… all about me.

Ever been to a chinese restaurant? (That is a rhetorical question…) Ever notice that for the most part, you are the important person there? Not them. The focus is properly placed on serving and honoring other people above yourself. Jesus said that’s a better way to do life, and I think everyone outside of America gets that.

But we close at 4:58. We set our clocks fast. Cut every corner. All just to serve ourselves.

I want us to be more like small town USA. Even if we don’t stay open late for one person who needs a break on an overwhelmingly busy day, at least we could honor our posted hours!

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.

Some might say, “Greg… it’s just a job! Seriously. Do the consider others thing AFTER work…” But I think the best place for Jesus to be seen is… everywhere. In everything we do. Every place we are.

Love God with all you’ve got, and love people like you love his people – even consider them better than yourself… and life will go well for you.

And everyone around you. πŸ™‚