Just an observation…

Estimated reading time: 3 minute(s)

I took a day last week to spend a bunch of time with God, looking for wisdom from him regarding some big life decisions we were facing. (The whole computer store thing, listed below). My deal is, the music stuff we do… is something that God has given me and called me to do. It is so totally not my dream, or my goal or my vision… and at this moment, I can say that without feeling I am offending God. Quite the opposite, it is so cool to know that all that stuff (basic) is going to be great because it is something God is (and always has been) directing.

Now the computer stuff… web design, and apple computer retail stuff… that seems more like me. Since I got my first computer (a TI-99/4a back in 1983…) I have always LOVED working with computers! From programming in BASIC back in the day… to programming now in HTML and doing graphic design in Photoshop and Illustrator to helping folks out with all sorts of computing questions (yes… even WINDOWS USERS! blehh!) That is what I enjoy – and what God is giving me opportunities to pursue.

And you know what… that day I spent with God… I only wanted Him to tell me if He DIDN’T want me to do the computer store. That was it. I didn’t want to waste any more life on it if he was not behind it. Not “behind it” in a “Moses-go-get-those-people” kinda way… I just mean sorta cheering me on. But I did not hear a “No” that day. Nor, to my chagrin did I hear a “go for it”. But I did hear a consistent and helpful thing that day.

I was not using my time very wisely. God kept reminding me of many ways that I was not being a good “steward” (for those of you reading this who speak Christianese…) of my time. I had been feeling the burden of way too much to do, so I was getting up relatively early (for me, anyway) and working hard (and randomly) ALL DAY with no breaks for meals or anything… until time for the evening activity (I mean I was working straight up till we left the house) and then we’d fight the kids a bit to get them in bed and then I would usually go back to work till midnight or so, when I would normally take a break for an hour or two and then go back to work till 2 or 3… and start it all again the next day at 8:30…


Lost in all of that is mainly… my family. Not only was I wearing myself out physically and emotionally… but I could see several instances of Ian especially longing for his dad. And Jen & I were not getting much time together… and I despise that. Jen is my favorite person in the world, and mostly all I saw of her was frustrated Jen (probably from me not being around to help with stuff).

So God said to me… reset your priorities. Use your time wisely. Spend time with your family. Worry about the rest later. 🙂

The funny thing is, the one thing that I was most concerned with re: the computer store… I thought it might take more time than I could give. 🙂 My one concern was time, and God’s one answer was time.

So… God has opened up a couple interesting options re: the computer store. I am still pursuing it… but at a slower pace. And with a smile on my face (… that rhymed…) Because there are more important things to do around here… 🙂

Now I get up at 7 everyday and spend time with God… then I get lots of work done before noon… have a meal with my family (cause lunch is the only one we are guaranteed to have together) and back to the office till 5 or 5:30 (MUCH earlier than ever before) and then I spend the evening with my family (unless we are gigging or otherwise… but we do that together too) 🙂 And these days I have committed to going to bed by Midnight (or 1am if I am splurging.) To those of you who know me… those numbers are insane! 🙂 That is really EARLY for me. 🙂

But, so far it is helping.

I need to leave now. Going to play some basketball. Physical exercise and comradery. Cool.

I kinda like this new way of thinking… 🙂

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