I don’t really like the Democrats… but…

Estimated reading time: 1 minute(s)

I was watching the Democratic National Convention last night, cause it was on, and cause I really wanted to hear what they are thinking. Cause my parents are Super-Republicans, the Grandest of the Grand-Old-Party… and I hear all the stuff from one side, and mostly agree… but, just wanted to make an educated decision…

So, don’t hurt me Mom, but…

What’s wrong with John Edwards? Kerry… he’s kinda weird… but why did John Edwards not make more of a splash? He just seems real and smart and cool and real. (I mentioned real twice, cause to me, that’s the most important thing…) He had good ideas, and the coolest part was he seemed to actually believe in them. He wasn’t just trying to get elected. I think. 🙂

I don’t really like politics anyway, but for a moment last night, I wondered what if those guys were really just trying to make America better like they say they are?

Can’t wait to hear GWBush tell me why I should vote for him. I think I still will, because John Kerry is weird. But, I wonder who I’d vote for if it was Bush vs. Edwards?

Definitely not Hillary…


One Comment

  1. i decided not to watch the DNC b/c despite the fact that i was curious i figured i’d get enough of the scoop from leno and letterman, which was true. if you haven’t been to jibjab.com yet to watch their video it’s hysterical. i’ll be interested to hear what bush says, but at this point i’ll vote for him just b/c kerry’s weird and i don’t want him to win. it’s weird how we have to decide…


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