Gardening Observation

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

We planted our first garden this year! We were so excited as the winter temps left (mostly… we are in NY, ya know…) and the gardening aisles began to fill up at WalMart… Ian couldn’t wait to grow veggies and even flowers out front!

SO, one Monday (our day off) I headed out at 6:30am and started digging up a patch of weeds over on the side of our yard where we would be putting our garden. It had not been touched in years… but the soil underneath looked pretty good. So we dug out all the weeds and grass and turned up the soil and planted our seeds.

We watered and waited and watered and waited… and wondered if they would grow…


BUT, so did the weeds!!!! They came back with a VENGEANCE.

And it made me think of our lives. When you take someone new to the ways of the Kingdom… and they experience the new life like our garden did … it’s great at first! Everything is new! BUT, the weeds are so used to growing there… they come right back… with a vengeance! It takes time and care and lots and lots of weeding to get the soil to the point that the good stuff can grow free of weeds.

And you know what… it’s never FREE of weeds. But they do lose their footing the more time you take to tend and weed the garden. To care for it.

I have no concluding line or summary thought here for you at the end… just an observation from a part-time gardener… 🙂

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